dule pens dot com in a very specialguest here today this is jon leyne he's a general manager for the pilot finewriting division for pilot usa and he has some very amazing patents that he'shere showing us our team today and i thought while we're here you know johnagreed to sit down and do this video with us john thank you so much for beinghere and for green to do this and appreciate the opportunity yeah so slowly so for those who don'tknow who you are can you tell us a little bit about your background in andwhat you have to do with pilot namiki i'm started with pilot in 1988 selling$0.98 ballpoint pens up and down
interstate 5 between washington stateand oregon always heard about this line called pilot prime line and in 1994 at anational sales meeting san francisco we launched new miki miki is the name ofpilots founder ryosuke namiki and as a salesman i found it to be a challengewhen they handed me a $6,000 pen and i've been used to selling $0.98ballpoint pens to go out and sell them so the biggest ratio yeah he's been heresince 94 and it has evolved into a quite a nice business and its josie from someof the pens will show you it's it's an art form to be sure so how old is he cantell us a little bit about their history their pilots started in 1918 and westarted making fine pens in the
mid-forties when mister namiki as alfreddunhill to help them out and they started combining of things and thedunhill namiki line came out and started making the different mikey a pens someof the other fine writing instruments in again and evolved to where it is nowvery cool let's talk a bit about the past ends a little bit now you're actuallythe one for those of you who are familiar we put out a video of pilot usatour video you're the one actually hosted us down there and you showed ussome of these incredible pans half of them wouldn't even know what we'relooking at because it's just these pants
are so out of this world compared towhat you normally would see and compare to what we've always offered so this hasbeen in the works for several months and i'd like to kind of break down andexplain kind of different techniques that there are for each of these patentsso you gonna storm depends here that you so graciously laid out for us here sogood you might just kind of walking us through and sharon let you know whenwe've got several different models for different sizes of pens and mikey a is aart form that goes back to the seventh century this particular pandas in theemperor series takes about four months to make the spin very limited quantitiesactually the quantities art is primarily
what we ordered japan does not carry anyinventory on these pans and soon we placed our order we're just gonna getwhat we ordered there are several different types of mikey hey thisteachers a talk up mikey a finished which is a raised finish meanings ofthere's more layers of lacquer the lack of that goes on is rishi lacquer thatcomes from you she treats indigenous in japan you actually feel it's who youknow when you're you're touching it it's definitely like a three-dimensional howto feel the pattern starts out and slowly built up how many layers oflacquer we talking about here when they do this to get it raised like thisparticular when i believe that there is
at least 40 layers like around and ittakes four months to make a lot of it is the drying time when the artist startsout might start making sharing with a dozen other time you get from one to 12number one is driving even planted a layer of locker and another layerpigments and is a huge pain to i mean i very large hands so maybe doesn't lookquite as alarmingly large when i'm holding it but i mean the neb this isnot your normal size know this number fifteen year which iscurrently the largest never made and a pilot the artists expect all of thesepens to be used to be written with so you wouldn't post to cabinet as you canfeel very well balanced in your hand it
is yeah it's surprisingly light for thesize that is this particular kind this particular pen is made out of everynight so it does keep its balance it was made of brass like some of the otherones that will show you need very top-heavy and how much would somebodyexpect to pay for her parents $10,000 i don't wanna drop it so you know whatkind of person is buying a $10,000 pen i mean this is people actually writingwith these pens or is it really more of a piece of art at this point i havecollectors that both right with them and showcasing there's a collector of thehouse all the panty last year and he has me and to fill this particular pen youtakin it off and i drop four holes about
a little less than 2 i dropped and thepentagon's with the name goes back on and then the backend opens up to allowthe air to go through and then you through writing with it if you want toclean it out he pulled out and you can flush the system one thing i notice you know a couple ofyears now whenever you like a backup and always lines up perfectly exactly so explain to me here becausethere's these symbols on here know it's individuals that are workingon these patents but can you explain to me what these characters i this is theirown individually done there are some
that a group makes it will talk about alittle bit but this is the marquee a guild that the artist belongs to andthen this is his signature and his arrest and they're all very proud ofwhat they do it against some of these artists have been doing pens for twentytwenty-five years is it's a family business one of her artist me sifu mehis grandfather was a was an artist pilot and how many artists you havethere is it like a whole you know early we have for mikey artist but thenthere's also independent artists to come in and propose different designs topilot and then they go before a committee has decided whether or notthey'll take him in stock model or
whether it be one of our limitededitions that we do every year ok but it's not a i mean this is apretty exclusive group they were talking about it is it is let's talk about someof the other models we have the next 10 years yukari royale that's a little bitsmaller this does have a brass barrel this one is called the parent and thepeach and features a little bit smaller this particular penn retails for 6500and what we try to do brian is we we try to rotate these out of the collectionevery three years the patterns are retired and we bring new ones in howmany of these pens might they make it's
primarily what we ordered goods as isaid we don't care in human story so it's whatever your reporters who arereceiving orders in whatever is ordered in the domestic market was which isjapan and of course we order usually we get probably ten or twelve of a modelwhen it comes in and then we reorder depending on how sales or fortunately wedon't have a lot of bad ones have a lot of designs that are really sought afterso is it still very popular market where some of the most popular designs thathave come out over the years like what tends to be my first limited edition wasyour car is so i've which will get you get to know a little bit that was thewhite tiger vision that's very popular
the the great white shark was an inversesides that was very popular the 90th anniversary pen that was very popular soit's just it just depends on what the designers some parts aren't so popularbut we've had a good run with these so who comes up with these designs i meando you have any input into it or is it no these are strictly done by japan theproduct planning group there takes take some time depending whether it's goingto be a limited edition or whether it's going to be an addition to the line sothey primarily responsible for that ok not an artist way in quite a bit on thistoo because they do if you're working on a plan for four months right now to makesure you're looking at something that
you want to make sure that he'll be ableto do it as well some of the designs are very difficult to do the emperor goldfish which is which isin a language they don't have it with me is very difficult that's why it's$15,000 this is the chrysanthemum do is look amazingly intricate kissinger'stheir inlaid with robin for abalone and theseare filled with a piston converter i didn't know somebody's going to browseexcept for the largest correct yes ok all right let's move on to the next onefor the next line of the yukari line which is evolving market is the mostpopular their lower in price the designs
are little as intricate this particularone of the rock garden we heard you said two years ago very popular and depicts atraditional japanese rock garden i notice here there's only one line ofsignatures and said to correct that's this signifies that a group or the wordis coca-cola in japan did so i could be working on this and i'd be able to handit to you you would do a little work on it and then it would go around two maybethree or four artists who do it and so that way just the just the groupsignatures on that the individual ok so understand my focus on the rock andother person my folks i'm did read pundits doing ok how common is thatperson is you know one artist doing the
whole plan will they can do more thisway because these aren't as intricate designs so the cards are are less areless expensive this is $1400 again versus $10,000 and so we need to makemore of these to make up for the collectors i see this one guy come nextyear decoration and the nice thing aboutthese pens when they have the run in them and there's no to penn center likemany of the same pattern but different different shells in different colorscells are going next year and the the last design in themarquee is the nippon art these usually go around $750 in these designs are verysimple to to do a broader set of tools
and brian will personally be doing onewhen this video is over whether you put that on next week so we will see whatthese are very simple designs and again it's sort of starts someone into themaquis a business were starting out with the $750 pen in some cases has led up to$10,000 imagine once you get into you know the marquee a collection right youkind of falling down the rabbit hole in their you ask me about who buys thesepants i mean there's a wide range of people who obviously penn collectors butthere's also people like japanese art and showcase in that way people do rightwith these others have custom cases made and they just look at them as art formsabsolutely i can see that now these
nibs i mean they're they're notmeeting standards i mean are they similar type neighbors which will see onsome of the pilot hands this is a fourteen karat in the in the nippon artall of the pens in the car your car rally in mboro leading character ok andthey look larger to these aren't anything you'll see on you know pilotcustom 70 for anything like no different ok some other pens down here to talk toyou know these ones are yours here might be a little more familiar with theseguys we've been stocking is regularly since they came out right but let's talkabout the technique because they they are more expensive than normal vanishingpoints going into we don't have you know
as much rotten in some of the otherpatents so explain this process yeah most of your viewers are going toknow that the pilot capless or pilot vanishing point is one of the mostfunctional found around and so when we make a plan that has runin it we have a lot of dust left over when they're chiseled out and so one ofthe artists decided to do this we came up with this about seven years ago thisparticular model and again everyone is going to be different when this goes onto say that it's actually looks like great dust as the lacquer hits it bringsout the color so this is all very well so we decided in which retails for 30and 60 so we decided to do a little bit
more intricate work we've got the waterservice and strength in these retail 300 now this gives you the most functionalfountain pen campus and a little bit of my ta and it's still reasonablyaffordable right and what's the difference i mean hopefully it's comingacross all the difference between say you know 360 and $800 it's the timeinvolved this time involved and there's there's just a lot more work in here isthe same code coding a lacquer new rochelle akers' these do but there'sjust a lot more work because you're too still have the right in dust in a tubethat he'll tap down with this actually has to be late in the pan and lacqueredover absolutely and you can see if you
look close up on this panel you can seeevery single little piece of abalone this place and rare that ought to bedone by hand yes how many total lacquer would there be on these plans but 15 okso not quite a time-consuming as correct some of the other ones which they canstart to see kind of basically talking standard time involved i'll talk aboutthis next one because this is really one and i've kind of been taken with youshowed us a video on this and provide us with a video which will which will dosome stuff with the chicken technique this particular technique is briancities chink in which it's all carved into the pan and then filled in withcoal dust in lacquered over there is a
series of chisels knives that the artists used to cut out everypattern here and appreciate this you'll see when brian gets the video up it'sjust amazing technique evans fortunate to see it several times and it's it'sabsolutely beautiful it is literally like every single little dot in here andtake an incredible amount of time it's still a four-month process but if theartist does make a mistake there's nothing they can do the pen has to bediscarded wears a monkey a pen you can so much strip the finished down andstart over but you can at least correct a mistake but quite honestly i'm seeinga lot of mistakes of these guys imagine
how are they training before they soundlike a weird put out an ad on craigslist for an artist who's in there there aremonkeys schools there but it's again it's sort of an art form that's that'shanded down a lot of the monkey artists do not do chicken but our master artistsik she does a little bit of both but it's an entirely different process otherthan the lacquer going on the use of brush and bamboo tubes to apply thedifferent services here but here again it's all carved and again when you seethe field brian will put up it's it's quite impressive yeah this particularpenned the cherry blossoms retails for $1300 and withdrawn stealth retails for3700
and somebody's hands you know i knowwe've got one more to cover here but some of these patterns are huge why are they so big on the numbers youcan see the designers pretty intricate so they need more room right and alsothere is definitely a call for larger pan we offer this pen without anydesigns on it it's a $2,000 and some women just like a large pan drain withmy favorite size is new car royale a little bigger hand and the design andyou can see isn't as so it's really kind of like a canvas pretty artist jose saidsome people who buy our japanese art there really could care less about thepen interesting there has got to be
difficult because i mean when you'reworking or looking at that video some of it working on a flat work you know bondsand things like that how much more complicated for them to do this work ona round objects like a plan it more so but these guys are just there thereartists there's no other way they're not been makers their artists right andthey're very dedicated to their craft that it's a family business a lot of ourone of our may have mentioned me she told me his grandfather was it was anartist pilot so there's a lot of tradition and there's a lot of passionabout it to the very serious about this down so are they working exclusively onpens' i mean i imagine you know working
for me when i was there last october'sfor you golf fans there was a set of drivers in the museum that have mikeymikey a started in the seventh century primarily with boxes bowls dishes thatsort of thing to be involved in the pens in the forties we've done some some penboxes we've done cufflinks lot of different things but now they'refocusing primarily designed pens ok so i thought about this last one here whichkind of stands out a little bit from the rests sterling silvers we've had a longline of sterling's we launched in 1894 the dragon which is still on them in thein the mix was was the most popular and we've added different designs throughoutthe years our latest the panda and the
komodo dragon available and both werehere found paint and roller and jenny face right there have fun here goulettheir distinctive found and you try to sell them some ballpoint and rollerballs is not going to know anything about it so my reaction when i can capthe other one i know this is unacceptable this is an 18 carat in late again verywell balanced and he's yet to polish up just like any sterling so when they docome with a polishing cloth in the box but yes ok but not tarnish in overtimeright it possible that i liked it there there text year but they're not like soinvented that policy is really
challenging how much these days ago for598 that bad do you want me mention a royal prince not want no need no noone's interested if you are those special orders against i correct pretty good i don't know these huge onbut we have nine different designs in the in the sterling so you obviously have a lot of gorgeouspans and you handle these things all day long which tends to be your favorite actuallybrought my favorite and this is the nightline moonlight original nightlinecame out in ninety four little bit
different attenuated a city skyline where's thebuildings were going up and there was gold dust to signify the lights and thechange in a couple of years ago and brought the nightline moonlight which ismore pronounced abalone rotten and again it's one of the ones it's individuallysigned with this is my this is my personal favorite 18 caracal new medium point and againwhen you do do a pen like this in your chipping the abalone out that's whereyou get all of this so it's it's a waste not want not japan very cool so you knowthese these types of luxury products you
know collector collector's greed penslike this traditionally are sold off inbrick-and-mortar stores but clearly me he's been having more of a focus on anonline presence they read their website last year which looks phenomenal by theway i mean 360 photography and everything like they really i know howmuch work that is they really put a lot into that it looks fantastic so justwant to give you props on that i actually had nothing to do with it theycame to us from japan they wanted all of the divisions to have a uniform look and i'm for the first time i saw that one ofthe guys headed on his ipad and he was
spinning the goldfish around like tohave that they sent it over to us and our our vice president whitey wasextremely happy because like you he knows how much that cost to do we havewe've talked about doing 360 photography here ever since we started the companyand have never died because of how much it goes into it so that looks reallygood but also you know you're here and like you brought us down to floridawhich you know the main thing that i drew out of that whole experience wasyou you see this hundreds of thousands of feet of g tuesand acura balls and all these other things and then you see the new mediaand it's like a couple of cabinets it's
clearly not like you know the bigmoneymaker for pilot so you know i'm curious to know what is it that's kindof driving pilot and and where is the future as they see pilot holes in incompany first we make inc well then we make these systems andwhether it's a whether it's a fountain pen nib whether it's g to refill whetherit's a precise needlepoint the same quality goes into each pan so i know ifim getting a new color and g2 from getting new member same qualities goingthrough their what we're doing now me with social media coming on between youknow facebook and instagram and twitter we're getting a lot more exposure nowand we're hopefully going to dry and
some some new collectors and youngercollectors and so that's why we're sort of focusing on the online presence now isee and that's obviously a big focus for us too and i'm really excited to be ableto showcase these little better so we're gonna take most of the rest of today andwe're gonna turn all staff talk about these and educators education a hugepart of what we do here you like and clearly you can talk for hours about allthe details of these days we had days we would do days but yeah that's wonderfuli really appreciate you taking the time to come here into the video might enjoythis very much appreciate john thank you for your support brian absolutely soyou'll be able to see
if not available on our website we canspecial order anything that pilot will offer in the usa usa and then follow thetrail to find writing and miki duck comment as brian mentioned all of themarquee pens are there and so you can get a better look at a lot of these willbe up on on brian original site and will be available for here thank you so muchif you haven't subscribe to our youtube channel yet you should definitely checkout more awesome videos like these this will not be the last time we talkedabout the media for social worker thanks so much everybody and right on
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