Kamis, 17 November 2016

krishna training review


early morning at 05:10 a.m hey stop hey 05:30 a.m mouli ali railwaystation hey..search for her.. where will you hide..come backgo man go please leave mego man go do i have tell you specially go..leave me will kill you if you come near me

leave me leave me someone please help me leave.. brother you done great job.super boy super inspite of so many people aroundwe couldnt do anything thanks man i dont need your bloody thanks..take out all your gold take out are you a theif.? will you not believe until i show my visiting card

unseen thanks are told butseen gold are not given take out.. take out..take out okay sir, ok.. my dear..this is your hard earned gold.. i will not let go this even if i have to die. all of us together will fight. what ? are you ok..ok. when the rowdies attacked the girl..what happened to your unity..? the biggest problem of our country iswe dont react until the problem is on us.

than gold and bank balance..? we will prosper the day you give more importance towomans dignity and countrys pride.. change your attitude. sorry boy. no..i dont need unseen sorry and untouched thanks. not in words..show the changein your attitude man go.. well said son..if every youth has thisaggressiveness, anger and will power., not only our country but entirehuman race will prosper.. as long as there is a brave man like you

nobody will fear the darknessand will not wait for the rising sun. everybody lets go togetherlets do something different different take the rules live.. heart fullyhug joyfully with everyone gale milo tum sab se sab se telling be a human my heart is flying flying flyingwe are our own kings we are the answer for our questionread it or it is just a book all i want to sayone and only one thing try to help each othero o brother

if life is black and whiteadd some colour to it do what you wish in your small life increase your smiledip yourself in happiness think about this a little..hay..hay oo everybody lets go together lets do something different different there are no rulesjeelo jeelo jeelo jeelo heartfully brother please drop me in college,i am not able to find my bike keys you are always torturing me by askingto drop you in college or at the bus stop

did you hide my bike keys ? no aunt..mother promise then what is this stupid dont scold him.. he is your sisters son unable to bear his torture..the day school holiday started she sent the him here as a gift packand she is enjoying her holidays look at your self. what a life you have..sleepingall day long and hyper at the night he came very late yesterday night..couldnt even go to his bedroom and slept here.

he didnt sleep here., he actually slipped here. when you are high even a step looks a tree. so he couldnt go the bedroomand slept here in the sofa.. brother get up allow him to sleep please you are not understanding my pain as i have been discussingabout his marraige from 1 week. marriage? yes,in our college the girls go crazy for him

and specifically pooja,radhaand sirisha can also give their lives for him. see how these girls are? oh my god! they are acting likethe bollywood film stars..right? how are you even comparingthe stars with these people.. super super..they are really good i need some money so that i can callthem to our home to meet brother but he is not even willing to get up. fine i am leaving. he is not takinghis chance..what can we do? i am keeping these photos here.

have you woken up yet brother. i want you to meet some of my college friendsand i thought of getting them here but you thanks brother.so sweet brother..thank you! thank you! go go.. bye brother.. be ready in the evening as i will getmy batch and we will have a party! where is ? here is not

mummy..go take your bath fast i need to see your face every morning.. okay you do your work mom what? where are they? what is where? the photos?which photos? the photos kavya showed

what did she show? mom,her classmates sirisha,radhaand pooja look like bollywood actress..right? you did not sleep? you idiot...it is in the hall..go and seeokay mom momwhat? are they looking like hindi actress? i do not see hindi movies right?they were white in colour so i thought they do not look like hindi actressbut they are hindi actress only is it so..

she is deepika padukone..she is katrina kaif and she is.. alia bhatt right? mom,she is savitri. you could not recognise savitri.. pity boy...your sister again fooled you and your wallet has been stolen do not give so much sympathy..that is your wallet how did you even believe wewere looking for the matches? i believe my parents.

i have requested my friend for a job and the day of the appointmentyou disappointed him.. why should we even do all these things?which girl will be ready to marry a jobless man? they see the faces and the status of us do not feel off so much.. i just gave you a chance andi hate arrange marraiges very good...if you are daring do love marriage as if you did a love marriage..because of youi dont know how and where my grandfather is. he does not know that if we are existing or not

instead of kicking out like my fatherdoes i am encouraging you even though you are encouraging mei should get a girl of my taste..right? hi nithin. how are uncle and aunty? what is the route of road no-10? straight left and right straight left and right.. okay bye how does she know me?

why didnt you tell me you had friends here? what friends? how could guess his name? oh i didnt tell you..i know face reading are you mad? why are you shouting nithin on the road? we maintained secrecy all these days and keeping one moreday in hand for register marriage .. what?register marriage? register marriage?

shut up..embarrassing me in publicand in front of friends you over react what the hell? what ? what is this ? mango juice you are crazy...in public you talksuch things like mango,lemon and tamarind.. everyone will notice that matter? what matter? for routine check up yesterdayyou went to gynaecologist right? whats the matter nandini?

she cried i dont know him you did not tell your best friend also? shit..did i tell the whole thing? really what did you say ? she kept a secret from you? what did you hide from me? its, one minute. nandini better to share shut up

she is telling dont share i dont tell anything then should i continue? actually.. that day he is confusing me..i dont know him..no no no no if you dont know me how do you know my name? it was written on your bike.. one cold coffee with hot samosa please. lets go

nandini madam. actually i am your.. what is this?? what are you eventhinking about me? just because i’m calm you are givingme a love letter?? you dont know what i am hello...your bill? if we fold the paper it doesnt mean it is a love letter.. the idea is nice only if you really wanta love letter i will write it now and give.. give me,give me

i dont know when i will see her again or not.. super brother.. mom what is this mom its your dads birthday so we are going to the temple andi am putting traditional dress for you put it for him not for me..why are you troubling you? already he is readyis it.. turn back. super..

did you see my husband he is so disciplined not disciplined..but a model for underwear ads oh god..the temple the very crowded there are arrangments forspecial visit also in this temple mother will they not allow us in the templeif we dont wear this fancy dress its you dads birthday right. even then do you have to make me look like this hey nithin..wow..you are looking so cute.. go nithin

hey..you have lot of followers oh..nothing like that..if he really had followers, has he ever got a girl home..? hello.. i dont anyone to our house like that.. if a girl has to enter our home shehas to first enter my heart when did she come ? where is he going..? you know what happened..

oh son is that you..? ya its meyes its you and you..?did not you recognise me. you saved a girl the other day in a train. oh..okay you gave such good advice that day did i say somethingare you sure..? son what are you thinking about mr. reddy.. we have never seen him appreciating anyone till day

oh no mr.reddy is a great business manand trustee of this temple how nicely did you tell the other day howevery person in the society should be..my son.. dont eat my brain how nicely did you tell the other day howevery person in the society should be..myson. will you please repeat the words againso that people here may also understand sir how will i remember whati told one week ago that too after boozing anyways nice meeting you no dont think like that son. we rarelysee such power in youth these days

each word is like veda my god..i dont even remember anything dont say like that..every word youspoke had so much aggression mr. reddy please dont mind i have to leave where..? its so nice to see you agian..i would like honor you in this temple premises honor..oh my goodness..thank god you werenot planning to shave my head.. my parents are standing in the queue therei have to go to them..sir please how can your parents wait inthe queue when i am there.. this temple is our..let me take you for the special pooja

sir sir..what about that girl you please take care of that she is not listing to us sir my dear..my person will accompain you,he will show you everything, but before you leave pleaseintroduce your parents to me.. okaycome lets go not that side.. sir please dont say no..please sir its not possible here, people cometo temple for peace of mind,

you cannot conduct your danceclasses here it will disturb them sir please sir i cannot explain more politely thanthis please understand and go.. hey move.. dad, i am leaving govinda..govinda govinda.. govinda..govinda.. where did she go..?

why are you running around like that..? for the girl.for the girl. dont blame my son in a scared place like ask him to say no i am telling na..he is not like thatmom.. mothers are always watching there kids, but fathers even watch what the kids watch.. so a girl has entered your life,when will she enter our house dont tease him like that,

if he decided he may get the girl home by evening mother be little stable, it is not a cable connection.shall get her home within a week time is it a challenge..? challengechallenge after such a long time he liked a girl,so please dont provoke him he will be serious only if we provoke him from tomorrow please a queue from here alsoyes sir oh god..not again..

prasadammom lets go fast why are you in such a hurrylets go fast..i will tell you later why..what happened..what happened brother..? go.. oh god.. 1, 2, 3, 7 last time i saw you..you were in a very classic attire.. today i see you in a modern attire like a karate.. you surprise me every time i see you darling.. hold on i am coming

son..is that you again..?oh my god.. your. did not think i would meet you againyes sir even i did not expect i could not find you in the temple yesterday yesterday you could not find me..but today sense of humour.. friends do you know is he..? common sir, you knowing me itself is great..how would they know is it..see this..friendsearly morning.. train, fight. train star..

sir..i have heard of power star..super star..and also burning star.. but what is this train star.. want to see another surprise..friends dialogue we give the importance of bank balance and gold than when you would give more importance towomans dignity and counrtys pride sir yes my son please go for a walk sir biy, what is your name ?

why ? hello, vinayak sir,i who is looking for a characterin akhils movie to play a young hero, but he is not telling his name brother..brother..my name is supreet brother sir his name is supreet.. get up.brother.. what is your teachers address.? my call sheet is enough..why doyou need my teachers address..? hello mr. vinayak

brother..rain draf appartment,sager society brother good boy. brother..what man. what about my call sheet call sheet..go men brother..what man ? i gave you the wrong adress..you go man you go..hey stop man. how long should i wait foryou daddy..where did you go

get on my dear please tell me the correct address 2000 hey..why are you asking him so much money stup up..this is business please tell the address i told you is the correct address daddy..lookyou are super my son. go man go

rain drops appartments. i am just asking you for an information brother.. 500 is little costly..can you give me any discount..? what do you think of yourself.. are you the only lover in this state.. in only one city just to have a girl friendpeople are ready to give one dress per, a party once in two days, a mobile everyweek, one holiday per month a car per year. hello rameshwho is that sir..

did you clean the caryes sir. please go sir.. watching the beautiful girls in this apartment and trying to know there likes and schedules and giving you such important information, and to pay 500 as my fee you ask for discount.people like you cannot maintain girlfriends. moneyless fellows..why do you need love i am in the duty get out rameshwhat do you want..?

wait i will come what do you want ? there is a girl called nandini yes..she is a music teacherno. after a certain time..she is a veena teacher no.no..she is a karate teacher at 6 o clock 6 o clock..? no free service sir..only 500

sure.. when you are giving so much information,i think you should charge.. take it i got a good scapegoat..let me earn some more from him sir..do you need half or full i mean information i need full information then you have to pay me 500 extra oh do you need 1000yes sir

give me back that 500 i shall giveyou a 1000 rupee note okay sir..no problem if you pay me 1000.. okay. he is not a normal scapegoat 1000 ? i think one or two information is not sufficient..feel like giving you the complete details. is it is not good enough to pay 5 or 10 extra nobody should forget there fateyes..only gods screen play why 5 or 10 take 15yes

so many notes. gandhiji.. timing morning 6-7 karate class, 7-8 aerobic class, 8-9 dance class, 9-10 music class, 10-11 instrumental class.. hindi classes,ias and ips special coaching classes. she is always busy with all these classes day long. she is coming..if she sees me she will give me a lecture. sir she is gone or not ?yes she gone.

iam watchmen of this appartment sir. if i get a scapegoat like you every day.. sorry. i mean a customer like you every day,i can actually buy a flat and become rich. thankyou sir. see you sir. are you so multitalented darling who is he ? why he follows uor figure.. why are you following..? ou mean me..no way we are watching you since long

trust me bro..i am not following you.. i am following a girl..wait i will show you i am talking about the same girl o fish, i thought you misunderstood me,yes i am following that girl do you from when we have been in the waiting list so you guys are also following her even before you awesome bro..i like you..you look bad but your choice is good

such a talented person shouldhave alteast so many followers you should not why..did i say no to you..lets everyone try our own luck you dont want us to follow her no i didnt mean that an you dare to say so doesnt take much time to say that..bro dare to say that..you would see what would happen ok my dear brothers..from todayonwards you should not follow that girl

you should have informed meearlier about this way of talking will you dare sorry bro..my language is bad in this slang. do you want to buy the ticket evenafter seening the poster. okay then if it pain you should not blame me. dont you understand. see he is giving review.. so how much do you rate me.. 5 star. you will see star if i hit you. come back with your bikes

they are much intelligent..you are of no use namaste.. why are you over actingnot at all.. for a multitalented person like you whats the matter having four hands of the godesssaraswathi devi playing only one veena but you how you are playing so many arts. i am a great fan of yours. i dont have so much energy like you.i just want to have cup of coffee with you. so please.how would you know all these ?

do you follow me ? i dont have so much energy like you. i just want to have cup of coffee with you. one cup of cofee with you.. no coffee nothing..get lost i think if you dont show suchattitude you cannot be a celebrity please blow in this, ok go.. come. come..go.. is nobody drunkno sir no one is drunk

we are the liquor kings shoot him oh they caught me.. namaste sir what is your nameramesh sir you go.. and say it loud ramesh sir.. stop it.

what hell did you have and you blew this off i think it made in china.. i surrender to you sir hey.. i know you are a good person, i understood that,thank sir i shall take your leave now yes sir i will take your leave. i think i paid you extra in tension., you should not rob the youth like this darling i will be back in an hour..keep things ready.

i asked you to leave..why did you come back again please give me back 500 from what i gave you what the hell are you talking its a fair deal sirwhich fair deal when you did not give the challan.. please give this is not a good way.. please give back 500 from the 1000 i gave. you gave me a duplicate note andasking me 500 out of it

i dont know how i got that duplicate note lets go to the police station..we shall discuss there sir..sir..sir..please forgive me sir. i shall pay you 10000 for drinking and driving and also for the nuisance i created..please accept this check that ok sir are you giving us fake notesi beg you..please dont say that i am giving you what someone gave me..not my mistake..please forgive me.

okay.. i will see later..okay sir. salute.. who are you and what do you want. morning sir,morning.. i am nandini.. did you rememberme that day in temple.. yes i remember saw you insundarams apartment many times. exactly i stay in sundaram uncles apartments.. i conduct music, dance and instrumental classes what is the matter..

sir actually majority of my studentsstay nearby this area.. u know how far is my apartment so if i shift here it will beconvenient for the students.. why are you telling me? sir, your pent house is vacant it will beuseful for me to conduct my classes.. see girl, we did not even keep the tolet board i do not know who told youthat my pent house is vacant.. i have no intentions to give that place for rent.. sir..i told it is not there..!

i am getting late driver also came..yes sir. hi! one cup coffee? see if you beg me or threaten mei am not coming to the coffee shop and i simply hate coffee! if you hate coffee have sugarcane juice one more time if i see you following me or confront me ..trust me i am gonna call the cops why do we need the cops for the coffee? please dont irritate me..how many timesshould i tell you to leave me alone?

driver stop the car. hey nithin.. nithin..nithin... oh old man what a timing? nithin,nithin.nithin call him he is calling you i heard, dont bother himnithin son he is an elderly man..go you are going away

i will stay..you go you stay here..ill come back. i have to give the old man a finishing touch come.. come..comig, coming.. come and see who had come stop your showering of love over me son! no.. enough that.. what happend ?

you say..i am a good man because of you i have become a terrorist.diver take out the car son.. and ill tell you where to go..bye bye you are a man you does not get a scoldingbut why are you getting it from him you know him? he is the person who made me a hero he does he like you? yes..im your deadly fan.and he is my great fan..

could not bare his over love thats why i cut it off listen, if you behave normally with him... then? then everyday i will have coffee with you. it wont happen like that...everyday coffeeeee.. yes...everyday coffee everyday oh my god!! where are you..i thought you were here. thank you god oh sorry..

i have become a terrorist. you should have told me this before only i did not know you will accept or i wouldnot have cut all the relations thats your problem.. if you want our coffee relationto go on then you have one more favour to do oh tell me what is the other help..i will do that. i want reddys pent house as rent for me.. deal..bye!! once again you have linked me and reddy!!

stop right there..why have you come here again? in my view you are no more sorry...it was a mistake it is not a mistake it is carelessness i did not know that you would get that hurt after doing whatever you want you comeback to me again and tell me sorry.. you dont have respect and manners towards me i respect you sir respect...you would not have usedthose words if you had respect

and why are you doing the marriage which i dislike? it just happened like that sir.. but what marriage are you talking about? yes...you did not listen to me and married! when own blood betrays youi cannot trust any person now. he is drunk and talking such rubbish. reddy.reddy....iam nithin!! who? i am nithin sir.

oh i am sorry.. whenever i see you i think what if my grandson had a superb personality like you and that is why i get excited when i see you i am your grandson only think like that only as of now..you will feel loving. no,no.. i dont want relations andi have been solo for past 25 years! when own blood betrays you know the pain.

bloody blood. it has been 25 years since you saw them..the anger must have gone by now. now you can forgive them no.. sir blood. my foot bond not a blood how ? sir it is my blood. i dont know about your sentiment

but you have put enough ointment on me. sorry son who need your sorry.. for the mistake you have done..as a compensation give your pent house for rent pent house..what is the link between this and that i am asking you for a link..that link is called nandini nandini..you mean that dance teacher yes..there is no use of this teachers ifi am unable to impress that teacher why do you want to impress that teacher..?

why do you need all that..willyou give that house for rent or not do you have to ask me so much..done done..done..! sorry.. she is my myfriend shit.. there is no one much dearerto me than nithin even if he much youngerto me i respect him a lot please tell her the reason..she should also know right

what should i tell..? same thing which you tellevery time you see me which one..? same thing mr.reddy..my dialouge and my action..! i will never tell anyone about that episode anymore his is like switching on ac in winterand heater in summer.. you never tell when it is required my dear..from today onwards that penthouseis yours.. do what ever you want. please give the keys

ok what a charm you have done..thank you so much dont pamper my cheek andwalk away from here dear last us start our love story dear o ho, my eyes are just following youmy heart is just liking your smile shall i sacrifice my life for you dear my sweet heart, my sweet heart dont goaway slipping my heart you are my life forever oho my new wishes are in youmy spice in life is you

i shall sing a song for you oh darling for youoh darlingdarling for you baby, my heart beat goes upwhen i see your waistline my sweet mango jelly, my tasty rawmango, i like this from you sweetheart oh darling lets go and see the world together you are my beautiful princess andi want to take you on my stride oh darling for youoh darling i am your beauty spot on your cheek when you wear traditional dress.

and makes my heart beat like a rail engineyour signal is what i wait for lets go to guntur nellore, come to elurhey baby, will take you on a track i am turn to for you.. hello where are you..? dream song take this 100 what is this..did you promise god to donate100 rupees if you get that penthouse..? no..you were asking for a coffee ever sincewe met..i am allergic to coffee.. so you go the coffee shop, have itand pay the bill on behalf of me

so you gave me this 100 rupees yes please hold this.. if you offer this inside the temple it like an offering.. if you give it outside the temple it is like giving a begger. sorry i felt. why should i go to a coffee shop to have it alone.. i can as well have at home, my mother makesthe best coffee in this world dont provoke my son., if he decideshe will get her home by evening.. challenge

challenge anyone you will not have coffee..but can you come home once hello..dont try these extension..if you want have coffee or just leave it. but dont ask me to come to your house..nor to any pub..or any other place. i already have a doubt that you are nota very good person as you seem to be. please come to my house just once..please..please..please you see..we can have our food seeing the moon.. but cannot have the moon seeing our food why are you denying inspiteof asking you so many times..

are you proud about being multitalented..should find a find a way to reduce that what is this change in you..? not change..from today onyou will witness an all rounder in me shall bend as much as possible..please bless me.. i think she is in a state of shock my dear..see what has happened to him..? nothing has happened to him..i may get affected..first bless me hello..what man what is this troop in morning..

i have almost got a grip on flute and veena..need your guidance in karate guidence.. why do you need guidance on karate to impress that girl. tomorrow is an auspicious day.. shall start my karate training from tomorrowbut shall fill in the application for it today ok bye.. what happend to him. good morning master

good morning..i and assistants will show you..please follow us correctly come pal.. okay, ok.. guys continueokay master should we join directly that girl who ? she is our new student..she is coming since a week since a week..!but why did you ask..?

just like that..you go nowokay. common ready. ok ready. one.. two.. three oh god..what she had there she is taking out here what are you doing here.. and what are looking

no, no.. what time should i come to your house tomorrow..? by 8 o clock just for a day right two days okay..but you should not ask me again okay..okay oh.. grandma..grandma

who are you my dear where is nithin..? he is my son want to go together i think she is girl brother saw in the temple go and call your brother..come in and sit brother..please get up what..?you have a surprise you have done it my son..you got her home as said

what did you think..he is my son hy have you zipped your mouth oh..is that you. why did you come so early in the morning did you not ask her to come dont i have any other job. what ? oh..ya..ya..i remember..i told her that my mother makes wonderful coffee,may be she has come to have that..is it..?

i am so sorry i did not realise..give me two minutes please dont bother..actually i dont like coffee you are saying that becauseyou dont want to trouble my mother.. but thats fine..please have it mom please a get a good coffee..to reduceher shyness..ok people i have sleep now.. you have your coffee and leave and please dont call me..because i am very busy i am very busy is this the way you behave with a girlwho has come home for the first time.

oh mr.daddy i understand your vibrations untill and unless she is able to bear suchtorture she cannot become our daughter in law please have it. did you like it so much..shall i get some more dont laugh..i am so angry idiot. are you ready to come tomorrow at the same time i am not coming you said you would come for two days..if you are not ready..i will go to mr.ready

i will comegood girl..bye ya..i will come good morning..everybody why is she sounding different today hi i think she liked my coffee very much.. wait dear i shall get it sorry aunty i cannot have coffee noteven water because i am on fast today kavya..go wake up nithin

no uncle its okay, i came to spend time with you all is it. so happy to hear that..why are you sounding different are you coming from temple nithin troubled me so badlywhen i wear traditional dress the other day when we were going to the temple why have you come here again i have not come for you..go and sleep ra.. na..dont come go and sleep

did you call me ra.. i think you didnt hear properly..i asked you to go and sleep. how are you bearing such a lazy fellow uncle lazy.. even my dad scolds him the same way no use of scolding himyou should actually hit him so that he realises his responsibilities. what an aroma..is that lemon rice..? my wife prepares awesome lemon rice

all are she prepared well. really..i love lemon rice wait i will go get it thanks aunty you said you were on fast so what i shall pack it for you,you can have it in the evening one minute.. hello. dont over act did you not over act yesterday,

our deal is that i would come to yourhouse..how i behave is my wish i will tell mr.reddy please do that, so that i can get rid of you.it is because of the penthouse i am bearing you otherwise i can actually say good bye to you oh..i didnt realise this point see you auntyokay.. dont forget to eat the lemon riceokay uncle from today onwards he would not bother why are you so joyful?

my mouth is watering by just smellingthe lemon rice! did you cook it? yes, do you want some?then. i love lemon rice..but i have never tasted such amazing food..it reminds me of my mom.. if you dont mind can you cook it once in a while? are you eat. if dont mind will you prepare tommorrow.. same taste.. same taste ?

why did you here again? should i not come? if you come would say no ? your mesmarizing eyes created magic in me you vanished like a thunderwhen i wandered near your heart it’s enough if not morewill torture you.. you entered my life in my bad time you killed my heart with your heart..my heart is now jill jill jill one hand is less.

dont behave innocent, i shall show you stars in day will follow you in earth, sky, water,firewill torture you.. even if you scream, i will stillnot bother and i will not leave you i will see you like a glss doll i dont want rainy seasonbecause already i wet for the fork that you pierced in my heart why i dont sleep in night, after putting this ingredient..you have to do this aunty one minute.

love you boss. excellent..what a great artist this is known..because he loves pawan kalyan then how come it is coming so perfectly? how? if you have love in your heart then it will come perfectly excuse me sir who are you? sir our company took a lottery your coupon was drawn andyou win the trip for europe

hurray! we are flying to europe. we have written nithins name also inthe cupon..how is it missing here? sorry madam..due to technicalmistake it has happened.. by next three days nithins ticketalso will be confirmed. why have you done this?we could have gone together sorry sir it is okay uncle..we will make a foolof nithin.only two of us will go. after three days we willgive the ticketsfor his travel.then he can join us you are so fond of teasing him.

nandini sorry oh sorry sorryits okay hey..who is that girl who are you sir..? who are you..? where is nandini..? who is she..? this is her friend dhanyas car this is a travel taxi sir

is it a travel taxi..? yes sir. the person dhanya you are talking abouttook hired this car until this morning. rent..!! yes sir., we give car on hire by keepingpassport as security for self driving. what passport..? both nandini and dhanya has stayed here inthe suite room from last one month.. nandini mostly used to stay outside. both areeuropean citizens from portugal lisbon. they checked out today in the morningand left the country.

did they travel to europe why are you acting as if you are not aware., it was you who took a lucky draw.we were instructed to give your ticket after 3 days. i want to go to my home town so i amhanding over the ticket to you now. this draw was supposed to be after two months..! no idea sir, they just left for airport airport..lock this place yes sir the draw is after two months then what about this ticket..?

sir that is a dummy ticket.. we have not issued any ticked from our behalf sorry nithin..nandini and mr.reddyhave already boarded the flight and the announcement isalso made..flight is ready to taker off. see you.. hi.. nandu..mummy.. hi dad missed you dear

i have gone lean without your food stop it dear when were you supposed tocome back from the tour.. you are coming now when onlyten days are left for your marriage i am back now ok fine..atleast talk to chaitanya and his parents maintain touch with your would be and in-laws okay hey stop kittu..

uncle..uncle hey please stop uncle please dont give to anyone brother did kittu come this side he gave me this and left look at this fellow..nandini is so carefulabout her things..this is her pen drive which pen drive..! is it not just a pen this is not just a pen..it has an inbuilt pen drive.. what ever we write with this it gets saved

okay, you give to nandini. mother do you know what i broughtfor you from india..? these toys are made in our village..where did you get these.? i bought in a shop hi am remembering him seeing these my father likes these toys whichare made in our village.. i am ashmed to call you my daughter,i sent you to the town for higher education but you feel in love and now want to marry i didnt marry him dad., nor did i fall in love..

arun just expressed his love to mebut said would come home to meet you nce i have given my word to your aunt..there is no need of discussion again i will explain aunt properly dad what will you explain her it was decided in yourchildhood that you would marry bujji dad..it is not advisable to marry in blood relation.. future generation may haveproblem is what science tells oh..this is something weird..i have never heard of any such things.. my parents were also blood related..and your mom was also blood related to me.

mother has liver problem, and i have astma, next generation would face much severe problems get out dad.. i said get out dadplease listen to me who is your father ? listen to meshut your mouth

you degraded us in front of everyonethat we are the cause for your illness.. this is enough to treat you deadjust leave.. he is did not even look at him when motherpassed away nor when you were born nandu..mom.. mother in few days i shall makeyou meet grandfather how is it..? very nice this is your fathers surprise gift congrats ma

oh hold on..this is not for me..this for my daughter in law. i mean your would be wife. not only in you but there is happinessin our house with the arrival of nandini. she suits our mentality..it is soobvious that she likes you so much.. and also respects us. oh wow..we could manage these three days without grandpa getting any doubt. another one week for my marriage, that day we will take him directly to the venue..

we shall make mom and grandpastand opposite to each other. and everything would be fine oh super plan..you managed nithin very well he and his family.,so sentimental and emotional fools.. i could not bear his love and there over affection. they must be getting really worriedabout my sudden disappearance what happened i thought it was him.. i know its not easy for him to come so far..

where is grandpa see theregh grandpaye he is grandpa. its ok.. oh you have arrived mr.reddywelcome nithin your mesmerizing eyes created magic in meyour heart beat created sensation in me its enough if not morewill torture you.. dan dan dada dan dan dada

i will crush you like salty snackyou have no escape from me will follow you in earth, sky,water, firewill torture you.. will use a thorne to remove the throne oh oh mariya why so hurry yayou pushed my life to darkness so you thoughts whats a big dealand dumped my little heart will not spare you by any chance for the fork that you pierced inmy heartits enough if not more its enough if not morewill torture you.. you cheated me oh girl

i will see his end today..shall lodgea complaint on him in the police station..i f i dont throw him behind barsmy name is not nandini welcome girls welcome why is he here..? obviously you have to come here..so i arrivedin advance and am waiting for you. welcome sir actually i was talking toyou this two girls and just a fine okthankyou.. i told him we are tourist and got missed..thats it..come lets sit and talk i didnt come to sit and talk to you..where is mr.reddy

he is grandfather right..so i kidnapped him where..? if i tell where is he..how comethat will be called a kidnap fine..i will inform the police tell them., i dont bother..your grandfather will agree that he came along with me as per his wish. but he will get to know that you are his granddaughter. in police station and in front of policeyou are talking about kidnapping.. this shows how well planned you have come

when you were so well planned and betrayed us.. dont you think i should also bewell planned in my revenge i did not do any mistake.. i just want to makemy mother meet my grandfather. you should have told me this much earlier. so what if i would have told you..would you have helped me in this i dont know. but surely would not have followed you. would not wasted my time and my emotions..

you betrayed my parents too i am sorry what sorry.. atleast if you would have cometo me and said sorry i would have considered.. but not now..what is this sorry..aa.? i dont see that its a feeling what feeling is that..should youfeel for that or should i you should feel sorry since i am feeling sorry about it i should feel it from my heart

oh..do you expect me to fall in love with you love..oh no..broken heart cannot be set again. you know only the spelling of love but you dont understand it..so i dont want your love.. nor do i need you. i just want to leave youright away but my ego is not satisfied. what do you want me to do..? you should really feel sorry for what you did.. otherwise i will send your grandfather... how should i do that

in incidents.. how find the letters in sorry like same you did in five incidents and get that i feel your feeling. once i felt in first incident. i leaveyour grand father and i will go.. otherwise you forget your grandpa. in meanwhile we can find out where my grandfather okay i am ready? ery good ..let us begin..in sorry first alphabet is s. s stands for service service

serviceservice? yes,service. for service you took me to church..i am not understanding anything this church is running a charity for helping poor people i am thinking of giving them donations..on behalf of you follow me.what should i do? i will paint..you have to sell them selling?? i dont know! i have seen how talented you are in india..if given a chance you could sell the entire sky..

enough.. do you even know how to paint? not necessary to know what will you do now? i have already done it! what is this? you did not understand? yes, i did not understand i know modern art paintingwhat?

not knowing is modern art..let us sell and impress me and thenyou are free to take your grandfather.. come on come on hello you want these beautiful paintings no i dont wantok.. sir do you want to these great paintings what the hell just go away go away hurray! i made it..i got 100 euros.. can we donate this.

did you like my service? the painting was not worth 10 euros.. you sold it for 100 euros!!my paintings are worth so much yes. i will do more 20 paintings 20? see there fte, fate. what are you talking? are you buying his paintings?

what do i do? he is torturing me.. tell all my friends to take moneythey have to come here and buy all the paintings and tell them to not act like my friends ok. welcome welcome ladies and gentlemen..please look at these beautiful paintings what is this painting? this is indias most beautiful monument.

its taj mahal taj mahal where is it? before construction wow! now look at this..this is twin tower of newyork city..thw world trade centre where is this building..where is the building? after the flights crash wow what is the price of all paintings

very expensive..500 euros oh thats nothing i will tell you 500 euros is nothing hello hello..500 euros is not all..500 euros for one painting dont you think its over expensive? it is for donation only.this is my first painting.. why he is coming with that paint go, go.. dont come. thanks for buying my painting sir

i did not buy it i found it there what do you mean by found? near the trash bin in the trash bin? as a painter i can tell you that you have a unique style.. are you mad this is unique style. but my child..why did you throw it there? you are throwing my art work? showing me your 100 dollarsyou are trying to make me a fool.

did you seriously buy all these?are you her friends? do you know her? her name is nandini know? no how did you know? stop, they are telling this is not my name if they dont know you how do they know your name? nithin,please wait..nithin sorry nithin

one more time you utter sorry please one chance in the word sorry s has failed,so try with o oh now idea is given also you. so if s fails we go to o then whatif o also fails?will we proceed to rry? what sure? for cheating me here is your punishment..rry cancel only o is left..o for outing!! o for outing!! outing!! don’t play tricks and meetyou in the morning tomorrow

tomorrow morning what did you tell? what does he mean by outing..where is taking you and what will he do? dont tense me up...if i take anybodyfrom my side he knows everyone in this critical time rahul will enter he told me to come alone no problem,rahul will handle this rahul.. lift the mobile

why do you need the phonewhen i am right in front of you? dont underestimate the power of a common man. whatever i do i plan it out.. do not disconnect the calland i will follow you people super rahul the picture is still going on.. you take the car out..i will follow okay.. attack.h

dont be so close to me..he will get a doubt. you are panicking a lot you do not know know about him he does not know about me.. see he is over there..i am turning off my speakers do it..i just have to hear your conversation okay. what car some car and some stupid fellowand you are getting tensed

what tension..our plan just got leaked hope you are not using your brain today? no no.. i kept it at home i will not laugh if you jokewithout taking my permission.. was is it a joke go.. is that car following us no..i mean..i dont know why should i actually follow them, whenactually i can hear what they speak, shall over take there car

wow.. see..he left..hope your doubt is clarified not clarify i am glorified oh god its a cross road ahead. which way we should go good girl say it quickly man, the moment you say i shall put the indicator so that you will get confusedon who is following whom

go rightokay right very smart oh no take left left..what ever you say darling why is he putting indicator onwhich ever direction i am telling you and your over smartness oh..you are managing over phone. i think this route is not very exciting..take a u turn immediately go fast.. u turn..do you think this is your grandfathers road,

nandini,right left hey, this is not a bheemavaram,2km will go. what happened..?i need water who should serve whom please..please..just once ok. where are you..?behind of your car look behind you. dont underestimate the power ofa common man..i am coming

wait..come carefully without his notice..shall park the car visibly where are you coming ? i think he is very smart..its better i join you in the back seat by back seat..i mean the dikky you will die of suffocation if you are in the dikky dont under estimate the power of a common man. if i hide myself with this overcoat.. he would not come to know baby..open the dikky.. let me find out where has he hid your grandfather

may i drive super but my hands have become dirty..i wish i get a cloth to clean hope he will not pull out my overcoat.. hey your dad. dont underestimate the power of a common man i am already suffering with asthma he dont know where iam was hey you.. it is over speed.

is it..go slow i actually came to investigate you..but i am stuck in the dikky. please stop the car stop..stop..stop what nandini who is he my uncle your uncle..? ohuncle..?

everyone has a weird behaviour after boozing.. his habit is to sleep in the dikky after having a drink do you sleep in the dikky..? i always check the car beforecoming out..today i missed it.. sorry uncle how could you be so careless. so sad you slept in the car dikky uncle carour car stop..call the cops

how do we call..my wallet and mobile were in the car what do we now what is he saying..? he is also asking the same lets go.. hey..thats my car common lets go keys. shitdont you use your brains..

hey shailu.. what shaalu..how can you forget the keys i forget myself whenever i see you.. you noty.. now lets go come fast.. car keys are in the car itself. i see.. dont act smart again, i will cut that ?

what is that..? ok rahul..i will go and get the keys hey..men should go ahead for such risky jobs then its me who have to go dont underestimate the power of a common man.. i am also men to join you common man..ceiling fan..you stay back..i shall gono i will go i am not.. gay pub.

common man you can do it..go you lead the way okay..lets go together i am not coming..take nandini along look there..its clearly mentionedthat men and women are not allowed.. this is gay couple entryso we go inside nandini.. we are gays go..

stop.. can we go inside no..this is strictly for gays but we are gays no you are not oh no..lets go but..you can go inside me.. i can make out that you are a gay nachimi

but he is not me gay.. yaa go inside alone..alone.. i go alone..they will make me sunny leone wait..they is a way to handle this we dont have money you are having it what..?

this one.. can we go inside go inside thank you gods knows what will happen inside its super oh my god shaalu what.? your shailu is here..then why are you lookingat that girlare you ok now

if she is so hot..was just imagininghow hot her brother would be see..they are there got the buggers..go hit them and get the keys we cannot fight here..see howmany of them are there.. the moment they realise we arenot gays..they would share us what do we do now..? wow..we got an indian babe..dj..play indian number common dance lets go for a long drive in our cute car

i will come only if you allow me to drive the car sure. you are very romanticis it. whats your problem. oh sure ok.. come down.. ready pushcomon start.. push.. they are unable to push.. you give them a hand..offer is so good.

okh comon, push.. dont push me..push the car noty.. thats it. very good. get in. hey..hey..cheatersok you enjoy..lets go comon, get in right bye..

i am unable to control..please stop the car nandini i am leaving for india tomorrow. i accept your sorry. you helped with my painting..and youbehaved so decently since morning.. you know why i asked you to come out me.. because i wanted you to meet your grandfather. your grandfather is very much here where ?

look there..he is in that room..go there thank you nithin go..take him and go mr.reddy i am not wearing my inner you got hurt just because of one lieand because i teased you for a minute. then how should i feel what nandini..what are you striking away..? he is torturing me..i want to shoot him.

gun, i want a gun where do i get a gun from if i had a gun i would haveshot him right away ok relax i will just kill himthank god..this is a bottle and not a gun. what boys. who are you.. alabille oyelle alabille oyellealabille alabille alabille alabille oh rangeela rangeela maxican rangeela

you got adjusted as a shotgun bullet share your fire oh tequilashalli catch you or patch up with you no more a st a la vistawill grab you like a snack in darkness join me for a dancing step alabille alabille alabille alabillealabille alabille alabille alabille maska chaska is so riskywill comeback to youwith a profound style and set you in my life if you jump like a cowboywill chopyour ego and your style oye you may take a walkwill sayhello once you cross your limit oh girl like pepper in the pizzayourtemptation will never be fulfilled

disco visco come and dance do whatyou likebook me for you for ever shut up and do you jobif you overact..will parcel you to moscow ammo ammamo dont give dialogue in the airtake back those words… and run run run no one can win against my passion nithin..nithin..rahul.. catalonia hotel good morning..may i help you hi is mr.nithin there in room number 1002..? one second..

no mam..he has gone out.. thats ok..here anyone else stayingin that room right now..? one mr.raghuveeraa reddy is staying here.. what..you got to know where mr.reddy is..! yes..i am going to meet him. you rush to my house send my parentsto venkateshwara swamy temple. send sandy hey..what is this confusion..? the original planwas to make them meet in your marriage

disasters would happen if i wait until then.. if i have to get rid of that rascal..i have to do this today itself.. taxi uncle good morning uncle hey..nandini...where were you since long.. you please get ready fast..i have a surprise for you what surprise..why are you like this..where is nithin..? he will join us..lets go where are we going..?

i know you are a devotee of venkateshwara swamy, so i am taking you to a fantastic temple oh very good..but..we shall wait for nithin he will join us can you please call him..i am unable to reach him nithin..nithin..nithin..do you he is such an idiot. just because you give him so much ofimportance you know what he has done.. you again started your tom and jerry fight..what is your problem with him..? lets go the temple first..lets discuss about him later

goddess alivelumanga please bless us.. thank you dear..this is such a good temple..so peaceful thats the reason i chose this place grandpa..for you to meet your daughter uncle..uncle..come lets leave uncle..stop..what happened..? didnt know the person whomi never wanted to meet stays here.. if i would have known thisi would have never come to this country please wait uncle..what happened..? you want to know what happened..i consideredmy daughter dead before 25years.

but saw her here today..soi dont want to stay here anymore. i will leave..you carry on. taxi.. why did you come without informing..i was unable to reach you on your mobile. so i called dhanya..she informed me that you are here.. i was so tensed.. why what happened..? thank god you were safe after yesterday fight what happened..?

dont you remember what happened yesterday night..? nandini..relax.i’ll kill him stupid..what ? bosshelp me hey hey man leave iti want to kill him i want to kill him he torturing me. shoot himnandini nithin..lets go to the hospital

i am fine..take nandini first no..listen to mego.. sorry nandini..i could not help you. but nithin actually saved you..we were so wrong about him i have always fooled you whenever we have met.. may be that was the reason thingsnever happened as i wished. my grandfather did not accept my mother and clear about not acceptingme as his grand daughter. now i understand why you did not acceptmy apology..

because i never said it by my heart. i was always busy in impressingmy grandfather and getting him here. so that he would forgive my mother.i wanted them to meet at the time of my marriage. but i am not tensed about anything now. not about my grand father., nor aboutmy mother., and nor about you. shall i tell you something really shocking. now i really feel sorry about what i did to you. and my behaviour towards you and your family. i want you to understand this..!

i am getting married in next three days, i request you to come and stayalong with us for these three days please. dont say no. please. thankyou. shall settle the hospital bill. why she is going ? just now nandini came to see me.. looks like she is planning something new again.

i have been planning to get her weddingcancelled from the day i have come here., but she has invited me to her house..see what i am going to do now. bye nandini..nithin has come to stop your wedding.. do not allow him to come home i dont believei heard. no..i will not listen to anyone now. he saved my life. you go and get the car dont knows if its written for me as my fate

uncountable problems is not what i wished your looks expressing lot of questions i am filled with emotions that cant be expressed dreams that i saw has now changed so hardyou are the new hope for me our distance are wideningour love is melting the shadow that i sawhad a hope thats youmy life is just waiting for you you are my happiness and you are my celebration you are in my day dreams, its you only you shall i blossom like a floweror wrap you like a pillow

shall i be with you orshall i leave you to go nadini is your grand daughter sir..sir..please she wanted you to meet your daughter..so she came to india since your penthouse was vacant... she took so much pain in getting you here hurray..flying to europe but..nithin troubled her badlyby keeping you on his side where is mr.reddy..?i have kidnapped your grand father

now he is even trying to stop her wedding i have been planning to stop her wedding ever since i have come here..now she is inviting me home its fine if you dont want to meet your daughter, but please dont ruin your granddaughters life i treated you like my grandson..but you cheated me whats is this..? that poor girl was trying so hard tomake me meet my daughter. but you black mailed her and wanted to ruin her life..

what sort of a person are you..? i could not realise your nasty intentionsand her sorrow till he informed me. why did you cheat me like this?there will be such issues in a famlily, but those things cannot be takenfor granted to ruin someones life. did you think that there is no body to ask you? let me be clear .. nandini is my grand daughter.. she is my daughter and this is my family.. i will not spare if you troubleany of my family member just get out this house.

get out.. i am sparing you just because i am more happy about meetingmy family after long time.. otherwise.. if you want to unite your family,please go ahead.. who stopped you. i am unable to take this anymore. i have finished my job as per my plan..and i am supposed to leave. in the process of blaming me dont treatyourself as swamy vivekanada.. i will talk to you strongly..

dont you think you are responsible for whatwhatever is happening with your grand daughter rascal..why are you blaming me you are feeling so bad about me blamimg you.. but think for a moment..just because i behaved so badly.. you felt bad and are accepting themas your daughter and grand daughter.. suppose for suppose if i would have explained about the effort whichnandini took and the pain your daughter went thru.

would you have understood..? do you remember you broke my handswhen i tried speaking about them. silence..okay..let me give you a commercialbreak..and check with your daughter daughter of mr.reddy.. was there a guarantee that he would haveforgiven you you went and apologised and explained him with love..? there is silence even here let me check with the grand daughter.. nandini..you tell me..

is your grand fathers angernot responsible for you to bear with me..? common take any of these options 50-50 or dial a friend or audience poll..and please answer me. silence.. do you what is the problem..life is boring when it is peaceful. so we fight for silly things. if someone from the family tries toresolve them., we get more aggressive. if a third person enters that is whenwe get united. this is the proof mr. reddy do you remember our first meeting..

in the train..same technic. there i had to be a thief and here a bad boy..!!! after all the effort i put.. all you areunited and made me a the culprit nandini..your intension of making your motherand grandfather get together is not wrong.. but you should checked about the nature ofthe person before you plan something. instead you came with a stupid planand involved my family members in this. you are only bothered about your family..what about my family..? i had only two options.. either i sit at home and cryand come here and make you cry..!

by birth i am not a personwho would sit back and cry.. so all these was an affect of that. why did you take the pain of getting them together when your coming here was just to tease nandini..? you are not an dumb guy as i think..that was quite a super question..? i am always like that my problem..i dont answer questions which i typically like..i will give answer to that questions do you still love with nandini..?

this a stupid question..so let me answer.. i hate her..i hate her..i hate her. hi dear..nice to see you ..remember me? sorry.. i met you at the church ..last week..those paintings ..where is your lover..? he is not my lover .. he hates me .. what are you saying ..?he hates you ? no way something is wrong come with me ..come.. come on .. this is my personal art gallery ,

as an artist have this hobby of collectingthe world class master pieces. not just famous artist, i have also included some armature artists work also which i thought was worth keeping. yes mamis mr.nithin there in the room no1002 i am sorry he just checked out when i have always cheated on you..why did you take so much pain..? i am not bothered about what you did..but i love you. and there are no expectations in love..there is only sacrifice. i just came to complete thejob which you started, thats it.

why did you say you hate me..when you really dont mean that when you didnt believe when i expressedmy love..why do you believe me now but i love you..i love youi love you i dont know why i invited you home..i fell in love with you unknowingly.. and now i love you so much that i am ready toleave everyone behind to come with you i love you.. move.. go and get my bag. should i get your bag..!yes you go..

i am your would be husband..so better be obedient. come fast..you.. come lets fly to india immediatelywhy ? because my favourite heros movie release..and i want to watch it in my country

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