Kamis, 22 Desember 2016

training review document


welcome back to another very exciting tutorialhere at the photoshoptrainingchannel.com. my name is jesus ramirez, and you can findme on instagram @jrfromptc. in this video, we're going to look at thetop new features of adobe photoshop cc 2017. after you watch this video, don't forget tohead over to my website photoshoptrainingchannel.com so you can read about the smaller changesnot covered in this video. if you're new to the photoshop training channel,then don't forget to subscribe for more free tutorials. okay, let's get started. when you first open up photoshop cc 2017,you'll be greeted with the start workspace.

this is not new to this version of photoshop. in fact, it was introduced in the november2015 update of photoshop cc. when you first launch photoshop cc 2017, you'regoing to be greeted with the start workspace. this is the screen that is displayed whenyou first launch photoshop or whenever no documents are open. as with previous versions of the start workspace,you'd get access to the recent files. that is what is selected by default. currently, i have no recent files since thisis a new installation of photoshop and i haven't yet opened any files, so instead, i have theopportunity to create a new document by clicking

on the "start new" button. the biggest change to this start screen isthe removal of the libraries and preset tabs and the addition of the cc files tab here. this new cc files tab gives you access tothe last 50 psd files that have been synced to your creative cloud account. these files will also include psd assets thatyou have uploaded from the creative cloud market. psds are currently the only file type supportedin the cc files tab, but additional formats and filtering controls are expected to beadded in future versions of photoshop.

to exit the start workspace, you can clickon the start workspace button and select any of the other ones, for example, essentials,or you can simply press the esc key on the keyboard. if you would like to completely disable thestart screen, you can bring up the preferences panel by pressing ctrl k, that's command kon the mac, and under the general tab, uncheck "show 'start' workspace when no documentsare open." doing so will disable the start screen permanently. i'm going to leave mine checked since i dolike the start work screen. i've mentioned that the start workspace doesn'thave any recent files currently, but obviously,

in the future, it will have a list, and ifyou want to edit the number of recent files that are displayed on this list, you can openup the preferences panel once again, ctrl k, command k on the mac, and under file handling,under "recent file list contains," you can put any number you like in here between 0and 100. twenty is okay for me, so once again, i'mjust going to hit the esc key, and those are the new features in the start workspace inadobe photoshop cc 2017. new document dialog & starter templates another big change in adobe photoshop cc 2017can be found in the new document window. you can access the new document window bypressing the keyboard shortcut ctrl n to create

a new document or selecting the new buttonin the start workspace or by going into file and new, and this is what the new documentwindow looks like now. in the items that you'll see by default arethe most recent. in this case, "default photoshop size," atemplate that i've used--and we're going to talk more about templates in a moment--anddifferent custom photoshop sizes that i created. and if you have something in your clipboardsuch as a screenshot or maybe you copied an image, you're also going to have a clipboardsized. to the right, you have the preset details. notice that if i click on default photoshopsize, the properties on the right-hand side

are adjusted. we have width, height, and the different unitsof measurement. you can change orientation by clicking onthese icons here, so notice, now, we have width of 7, height of 5, but if i change theorientation to portrait, you'll see those two swap. i can check this box to create an art boardwith my new document, add the resolution, color modes, bit depth, background contents. notice that right now, you'll only see white,black, and background color, but if i click and drag on this scroll bar, there are moreoptions, so you have transparent and custom.

you can, of course, click on this color swatchto bring up the color picker for the new document background, color profiles, and the pixelaspect ratio. you can also save new document presets byclicking on this icon here. so for example, where i create a new articleon my website, photoshoptrainingchannel.com, i use a feature image that is 970 by 413 andi use a resolution of 72 pixels, and all the other settings are fine for this example,and if i click on this icon here to save the preset, i can name it "feature image ptc"for my website, click on save preset, and now i have access to this preset. every time i create a new document, you canfind it under the save tab, so you will save

out under recent tab, click on save, and thereit is. if you don't like it, you can delete it, andnow it's gone. now, the biggest addition to photoshop cc2017 in terms of creating new documents is the photo, print, art & illustration, web,mobile, and film & video categories. if i click on photo, you'll see that we haveblank document presets that sort of what we just talked about, just blank documents withdifferent width, height, resolution, and things like that, but the biggest addition is thattemplates that you can download from adobe stock. we're going to work with this example a littlelater on, but essentially, what all these

different templates do is allow you to getstarted on a project much more quickly. you can click on the template to read aboutwhat it contains. currently, you can download over a hundredfree templates. you'll also see the file size, and you canclick on see preview to see a preview of what the template looks like. i can close the preview and we have all differentkinds of templates. we have brochures, business cards, mockups,and just a whole bunch of stuff that you can download and get started quickly. i'm just going to go through most of themreally quick, just so you can see the difference

between them. the web category includes responsive websitelayouts. the mobile category includes mobile ui kits,and also, iphone mockups. film & video contains title graphics and graphicoverlays and things like that. so photoshop is making it really easy foryou to get started right away. and, also, one other thing that you can doin the new document dialogue box is search for content on adobe stock. so, now, let's quickly see how these templateswork. i'm going to click on the photo tab to openup one of these templates, and i already have

this one here. it's called textured geometric mask. if i click on it, i can open it, and you'llsee this blue circle with a white check mark on it, this means that this is already inmy cc library. if i select another template that i haven'tyet downloaded, then i would have to first download that template. so this is what you'll have to do the firsttime that you try to use one of these templates, so i'm going to click on this one here thati've already downloaded, and i'm going to click on the open button.

photoshop is going to open up that template,and you can see it here. they're all different, but the way this oneworks is we have all these layers that we can disable and enable to create differentgeometric mask, and we have this placeholder here. it's a smart object, so if i double-clickon it, it opens up a new tab, and i can place whatever photo i want here and apply it toa template. so i have my libraries window here, and ihave an image from adobe stock. i'm just simply going to click and drag thatinto this template, and, of course, you can use whatever image you want for your template,and i'm just going to scale this up, just

so we could see how this works. i'm going to move this over to the right andi'm just going to hit enter and i'm going to press ctrl s, command s on the mac to save,and i'm going to go back into the working document by clicking on the tab here. and you can see the result there. now i can keep enabling or disabling layersto create different geometric shapes or different geometric masks. i can also go into window, arrange, 2 up,vertical, and i can see both tabs at the same time, so that if i select the move tool, ican click and drag this around, and then hit

ctrl s, command s on the mac, to save. and then, automatically updates on the windowon the left, so then, that can help me composite this a little bit easier and faster. so every time you see it updating here onthe left, it's because i'm pressing ctrl s, command s, to save. now, just so quickly to show you what happensin the libraries panel, there's a new stock templates library where all your templatesare going to be saved, and they're saved in a format called psdt, but when you open themin photoshop, they become psd documents. those are regular photoshop files.

any change that you make to the psd will notaffect the original .psd template. and the last thing i want to show you is howto disable the new document window in case you didn't like it and you want to go backto the old new document window, so can press ctrl k, command k on the mac, to bring upthe preferences window, and under general, select use legacy new document interface. if i check that and press ok, the next timei bring up the new document window, you will get the legacy new document interface. i like the new one, so i'm going to keep usingthe new one so i'm going to uncheck this box and press ok.

photoshop search - photoshop cc 2017 one of the biggest and best additions to adobephotoshop cc 2017 is the powerful multi-scope search. you can think about it as google inside ofphotoshop. it is a great tool for both beginner and experiencedusers alike. you can use the search feature to quicklyfind tools, menus, tutorials, tips, assets, documents, layers, and much, much more, allfrom within a unified dialogue box inside of photoshop. search integrates with adobe stock to findstock assets and with helpx.adobe.com to retrieve

relevant help documentation. to show you how search works, we're goingto work with these two files. this is a tutorial that i've done in the paston how to create window reflections and this file, here, that shows you how to create colorgrades in photoshop. both tutorials can be found in my websitephotoshoptrainingchannel.com. but, anyway, here we are in the windowreflection.psdfile. to bring up the search feature, you can pressctrl f, that's command f on the mac. now before you go further, i should pointout that ctrl f or command f used to be the "reapply the last filter used" keyboard shortcut.

so this new feature took over that shortcut,so if you want to reapply the last use filter, you have to hold ctrl alt f, that's commandoption f on the mac. but anyway, let me show you how the searchfeature works inside of photoshop. i'm going to click inside the search box,and i'm just going to start typing. notice that as i'm typing, photoshop automaticallystarts giving the results even before i even finish typing the keyword, so it's very fastand very accurate. notice that by default, the "all" tab is active. this is showing me the results from threedifferent categories available in the search box.

we have the photoshop search results, thelearn search results, and the stock search results. you can sort by category by clicking on thetab labels underneath the search box. photoshop. learn. stock. photoshop search results are search resultsthat you would find through the photoshop user interface. that includes filters, layers, menus, newdocument presets, open documents, panels,

recent files, smart object, and tools. learn gives you documentation or instructionalmaterial from the helpx.adobe.com website. and stock gives you search results from adobestock, and this includes photos, illustration, videos, and templates. one of the reasons why i really like the searchfeature is that you can perform tasks in operations associated with the search result by clickingon any of the results. this will, of course, save you a lot of timeand it can also help you find or discover functionality that you might not have knownexisted. what i'm going to do now is show you the differenttypes of search results that you get and what

happens when you click on those search results. this is why we have these two files here. so the first thing i want to show you is whathappens when you get a layer as a search result, so i'm going to press ctrl f, and i know thati have a layer titled "busy city," so i'm just going to type in the word "busy." and before i even finish typing the word busy,notice that i already get the result here--busy city. and it's inside the group called window reflectioneffect in the current document that i'm in, in the active document.

notice that the group is here, window reflectioneffect; there it is. if i click on that search result, it willopen up that group and select that layer. if i go into a different document, however,in search for the same layer, it will not come up. the search only finds layers in the activedocument. so watch what happens when i come back intothe window reflection document and press ctrl f again. there it is--busy city. you can also search for tools, so if i wantto use the quick selection tool, i can just

type in the word quick and right away, i getthe quick selection tool. notice the keyboard shortcut on the right-handside, you'll also get that, and if i click on it, it highlights it and selects it inthe toolbar. i can also activate panels, so if i want toactivate the channels panel, i can just type in channels. there it is, channels panel, also known asthe icon to the left of the search result. that helps to determine what the actual searchresult is in case you have two search results with the same name. so, at channels panel, click, it opens a paneland highlights it as you can see here.

i'm going to go back into the layers paneland i'm going to collapse this so we can see what's going to happen here. i'm going to create a new layer; it's a blanklayer. and i can also search for filters. so, i'm going to press ctrl f, command f,to bring up the search panel and i can type the name of the filter, so let's try "clouds." there it is, filter, clouds, and i can clickon that, and notice that i automatically apply the clouds filter. that is the same as going into filter, render,clouds.

i'm going to delete this layer by tappingthe delete key on the keyboard and, now, i'm going to do the same thing again, but thistime, i have a group selected. ctrl f, command f to bring up the search panel,and this time, if i use the same filter, notice that nothing happens because i have a groupselected. and, actually, if i reset the search and typein clouds again, notice that this time, clouds come out as unavailable. the reason that it was showing a moment agois because we hadn't clear the search, but once we clear the search, photoshop did findthe clouds filter, but it's telling us that it's unavailable because of the currentlyselected object in the layers panel.

the search panel can also help us find andapply menu commands, so let me show you how that works. maybe we want to apply a layer mask to thisgroup that hides everything, so i can type in the word "hide" and you'll see one of thesearch results is "hide all." if you'll look right under that, you'll seelayer, layer mask, hide all. if i click on it, it will create a layer maskthat will hide all the contents of the group. i'm going to undo that, ctrl alt z, commandoption z on the mac. that is the same thing as holding alt, optionon the mac, and clicking on the new layer mask icon.

and just to show you, you can go into layer,layer mask, hide all, and it does the same thing. the search command also allows you to opena recent file, so if i go into my recent file list, you can see that i have three fileshere. window reflections, which is the one we'recurrently on, cinematic color grading, which is the other file open, and another file thatis not open, selection mask.psd, so let's search for that. ctrl f, command f on the mac, selection, thereit is, selection mask.psd, and if i click on that recent document, it opens up in anew tab.

you can also search for open documents, soi can press ctrl f, command f on the mac, click on the x to reset my search, and thistime, i can type in the name of the other open document, which is cinematic color grading,so if i type in the word "cinematic," it comes right up here on the list. i can click on it, and photoshop activatesthat open document. if you search for help and learn topics, you'llopen up the helpx document, so i can search for the word crop, and notice here, this isone of the helpx documents, so i can click on that, and photoshop opens up your defaultbrowser and goes to that page. here we are at the helpx.adobe.com page, andwe have all the relevant information and documentation

on the crop tool. i want to bring up the search bar again. i'm going to leave crop and then, i am goingto click on stock, and these are the adobe stock search results that we get with thiskey word so i could click on one. it will automatically upload it into my active,creative cloud library and place it onto my document, so there it is. i can hit enter, and i can start working withthis layer. if i want to license the image, i can selectit and click on license image. i'm not going to do that for this image.

i'm just going to delete this layer for now. i want to bring up the search bar again, soctrl f, command f, i want to hit all, and this search feature is actually really powerful. the algorithm is really smart, and it canrecognize synonyms, so i can type in the word "retouch" and notice what happens, i get toolsrelated to retouching, so this is truly a really powerful feature in photoshop. the search feature in photoshop cc 2017 isavailable in all the languages that photoshop is available in, and that is 24 differentlanguages. a couple of other things that you can searchfor using the search feature is library elements

or individual styles, so i recommend thatyou use the search feature as much as possible. you might know that something is inside ofphotoshop, but you may not remember exactly where this is going to help you solve thatissue. you can just start typing and, right away,you're going to see the results that will get you to where you want to be. svg color fonts - photoshop cc 2017 one of the biggest enhancements to type inphotoshop cc 2017 is the addition of svg color fonts to the list of supported font types. svg fonts support multiple colors and gradientsin a single glyph.

photoshop cc 2017 ships with two svg fontsthat tragen color concept and the emojione font. yes, this means that you can now use emojisin photoshop. so, let me show you how to work with thesesvg fonts. i'm going to click on the type tool, and i'malso going to make sure that my glyphs panel is enabled. there are two ways that you can get to it,by going into window, glyphs, or by using the graphic and web design workspace, so i'mgoing to select that one, and here it is on the right-hand side. then i'm going to select a font called tragencolor.

you can see the svg font icon here; that'swhat it looks like. i'm going to click on that, and i'm just goingto type ptc. and as you can see, this font has colors andgradients attached to it. now the reason that we opened up the glyphspanel is so that we can see the entire font list. many of these fonts do not have correspondingkeys to the characters found within the font, and you'll see what i mean by that when weuse the emojione font, and in other cases, using the keys on the keyboard will only giveyou one color scheme even though there will be many others included in the font like inthis case.

notice the glyphs panel here. if i click and drag up, you'll see all thedifferent variations of the font that we have. there are a lot of different colors. there are two ways in which you can selecta different type of character or a different colored character. i can select the character and then go overinto the glyphs panel and double click on the alternate character that i want to use. a faster way is by hovering over this shadedbox below the character, and then, you can see the different types of p's that we have.

so, maybe, we want to apply a blue p, so i'mgoing to click on that, and there it is, the p is now blue. and i can do that for all the characters,of course, or i can click on this icon here to go into the glyphs panel, and it will onlyshow me the alternates for the currently selected character. watch what happens when i break this textapart, so i'm going to right click on it, and i'm going to select convert to shape. now, this is a shape layer that is being controlledby this layer here. if i double click on it, i can bring up theforeground color picker and select the color.

i could also click on it with the direct selectiontool and select the points of the text to adjust them any way i want, so that is a reallypowerful capability. i'm going to go ahead and delete this layer. and now we're going to look at the emojionefont. i'm going to click on the type tool, and i'mgoing to select the emojione font. here it is emojione as you can see, it's alsoan svg type font, and i'm going to click in here, and i'm also going to type ptc. notice that i did not get any emojis, butif i go into the entire font dropdown, under the glyphs, under emojione, you'll see allthe different emojis that i have, so for example,

i can double click here and add a happy face,and there's a whole bunch of others as you can see down the list. now the really cool thing about the emojionefont is that you can create composite glyphs. let me show you what i mean by that. just go ahead and delete the layer and i'mgoing to start from scratch, make sure that i have the emojione font selected. i'm going to click and what i'm going to donow is go into one of these characters here. you'll see a list of letters and watch whathappens when i enter two at the same time, the letter u and then the letter s, i getthe american flag.

so you can use country codes to create otheremojis by compositing emojis together. let me show you how that works once again. i'm going to double click on m then on x,then i get the mexican flag. i think i'll go for d and e, we get the germanflag. as long as you enter a country code, you shouldget a resulting flag. i also want to point out that if you hit thedelete key or backspace key, you won't delete the actual flag emoji. watch what happens with the german flag. i'm just going to hit backspace once.

i get a d; that is because that emoji wascomposed of two other emojis--the d emoji and the e emoji--so we hit delete once, wedelete the second one, which was the letter e, and we're left only with the letter d. for mexico, mx, we hit delete once; we deletethe x and keep the m. and you probably guessed it, with the us, if we delete once, we'llkeep the u, and that's how you can break apart the emojis that you composite together. there's also a different type of compositingthat you can do with the emojis. i'm going to go ahead and select one of theseyellow body parts, for example, this hand here, this pointing hand, and i can also clickon any one of these circles which represent

skin color to change the skin color of thathand, so i can double click on this darker skin color, and watch what happens. we added that skin color to that hand. if i hit backspace on the keyboard, i'd deletethe color, so once again, two emojis are creating one. if i add one of these emojis here with thehard hat, i can come back and select one of those color swatches again, and the skin colorchanges. and just like before, we can right-click onthe layer, and we can convert the item to a shape, path, or rasterize.

rasterize will obviously be a pixel layer. if i go into shape, you'll see the shape thatmakes up this emoji. and, again, you can click and drag to adjustthe points. just as a side note, if you're trying to dothis skin color changing technique, it doesn't work with glyphs that contain more than oneperson, so keep that in mind. and that's how you work with svg fonts inphotoshop cc 2017. other updates - photoshop cc 2017 in this video, we're going to talk about thesmaller changes to adobe cc 2017. we're going to start out by the changes tothe properties panel.

there it is properties. if you don't see that, you can go into windows,properties. and i'm just going to create a new layer,and i'm going to create a custom shape using pixels. and i'm just going to select this shape andmake a pixel-based layer. notice the properties panel, now it allowsme to make adjustments to the width and height of that pixel layer, so i can also click inthere and use the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to make changes, and i can hitenter when i'm done to make the transformation. with the text tool, i'm just going to typein ptc, and you'll notice that the properties

panel now allows you to select the font, fontsize, justification, and color, so i can double click on the text layer to select it, adjustthe color to maybe red, change the font size if i need to, and the justification, i canmake this bold italic, and you get the idea. so now you have a lot more control over yourtext in the properties panel. another of the smaller changes was in thelibraries panel, and one of the changes to the library panel is that you can now undoanything that you delete, so if i hit the trashcan button here, photoshop is going toask me if i want to undo that file being deleted. now if you wait a little while, it will disappear,and you can undo the deletion of the item, but if you delete something, you can rightaway hit undo and then, it will come back,

so that's one of the changes in this version. i'm going to go into a library called my library,and this library has a bunch of images, but the one that i'm looking for is this one calledbackground. i'm going to double-click on it just so youcould see it and this is an image that i took. it's not a stock image, but one of the newadditions to photoshop cc 2017 is the ability to search for images that look like imagesthat you shot, not necessarily other stock images, so i can right-click on it and choosefind similar. so, adobe stock is going to find images thatare similar to the image that i shot. so this is a great addition to the searchcapability in adobe stock.

another small change to photoshop cc 2017that i like is the highlight color. notice this layer is currently selected, andit's a light gray. that is letting me know that this is selected,but if i press ctrl k, command k on the mac, and bring up the preferences panel, then ican go into interface, and i have this drop down here--highlight color. i can select blue and, now, anything thatis selected is in blue, so i like that. it makes it easier to see than the defaultcolor. so look at the interface label here; it alsochanges to blue, so i think i will keep that on.

and what i'm going to do now is i'm goingto double-click on the padlock there to remove the background and turn it into a regularpixel layer. there it is. and another change worth mentioning is underedit and copy special. it no longer says copy merge; now we haveto go on to the drop down here for the copy merge, it's on top there. the keyboard shortcut is the same, so youdon't have to worry about that, but in addition to that, we have copy css and copy svg, soi'll quickly show you what the css one does. i'm going to make a shape, and i'm just goingto create an ellipse, black foreground color,

no stroke. then, i'm going to add a layer style withthe drop shadow. green is fine, and i can add an inner strokeof red of 15 pixels, and that's good. then, i'm going to go into edit, copy special,copy css. if you're a web developer, then you know whatcss is. it's code that allows you to style html andi'm going to bring up this notepad++, and i can paste the code on here, and you cansee the code that is generated based off the layer style, so we have the border with the15 pixels, just like i set it here, and all the other different types of settings thatthis object has so that you could apply it

to a css file. and that is all. let me know what you think about the new featuresof adobe photoshop cc 2017 by leaving a comment down below. if you enjoyed this tutorial, don't forgetto share it with a friend and click on that like button. if you haven't already, subscribe to the photoshoptraining channel now. thank you for watching, and i'll talk to youagain soon.

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