hey guys if your looking for the best chair exercises for seniors they're also going to make you lovedoing so that's what you're looking for graduation this is that share routine here when you're gonna need tocontinue to share your needs your self is we're going to strengthen our bodyaround this shareware to work out a balanced for real work on ourstrengthening of our shoulders are gonna work on those legs were gonna make ourbodies feel better simply through this chair exercise routine some pitchesshoelaces laced up and we're going to
start with first witness statement thatthing that most people do run they skip this step you gotta warm up the bodydon't just hopped out of bed just don't just start running right away is nostretch a little bit warm your body us so that's what we're gonna do as westart this exercise routines that form ok situps the side here just stretchyour muscles loose enough exercise and backwards to bring your head down dropthose shoulders loosen her body of a little bit here ready to have some funhere to pick it up a little bit school boyish so there's a growing interestshould run them as you live them higher and higher yen shoulder joins up some ofyou might not very much lately and
that's what we're going to do so againstart up here in 2011 and what's chris 2012 those hips let's loosen up let'sget some oil the line-item first get the part of this warm up so we can warm upher body so we don't get hurt do any exercise and let's go up there exercises just follow my form alsofollow my technique and speed and let's go luring and stretch those muscles for dadleaned back and we'll go back and let's shake it out a little bit shake thosehips losing your by cope with me here by 43210 singles and a risk again get onthose crazy girls gotta help them feel
better if you got arthritis joint andwhat's wrong direction and swiss your risk all that angle and 321 let's get tothe other side again same thing of risk and that could be there and 32 gonna gointo the exercise when she said nice little march again live as high as youcan each and every time i just keep yourbody's going also allows you to try to count along with me so we're gonna starthere at six and 54321 and bring those legs straight down let's lift theirshoulders up to the saddle up make it see how it will go shoulders up down again and down anintro those shoulders and just let them
load down the line somewhere good liftthem up and shout them down to three margin back on your percentage to bringour heart rate up you should notice of two things here to warm your body up andmoving 54321 i see a quick move in move those and those are exemplary 21 anexcellent job now with those shoulders and down and let's go up and down itwill go back and tell him right back to that bar generate a key reason thatheart rate up working condition in our body conditioning their lungs or hearteverything so many benefits when we exercise 54321 at rest those legs butwe're gonna target those as you get live your legsup if you have to use your share to help
stabilize this do so and let them down you can't do this exercise you can editit will get easier skoler straight for strengthening asmuch as one of the best things ballots and bringing down one moreinside excellent job now in this chair herewe're going to get some balance exercises crash stand-up first try notto use that share for support gonna bring those hands or lips and eyelidsmarks on his legs in a standing position here and share here getting to practicebalance you have to practice balance and make sense we're gonna practice thatbalance here
balance exercises right here first we'regoing to start bringing a leg up to the side slits raises doubt again use thatshare balance if you have to hear get his right not to do that ok that's allpart of practice practice of balance so we can make it permanent and will bringit and bring it down last time here and i look forward now so i'm working onthat balances raise it up and down or up and down and let's go off and tell us down mr starr's lazy and you should feelthat that's working on that lean muscle strength in you know body so we can getthose him so we can make our balance better three tests that balance can usethat share her support here bring that
leg up to hold it there so let's bringit up here 54321 excellent job over time when you practice these things up withme here or one of those muscles on that side just starting to work 521 had to practice our balance we haveto work both sides one side by to balance it out let's go ahead to thatotherside lips either side of your chair times its raise it up if you need tootherwise bring it up and down two more at john excellent job or just like hedid on that other leg keep going up and down and will go upand down or more it down and let's go all sides are working on those musclesit's going to make our balance batters
in here and we'll tell 25 or 30 2012 theside where it holds up 35 or 321 and bring that leg down again great job ifyou made it up and held it the whole time if not just keep working at ityou're gonna get it and let's bring it up now let's hold it up there 54321 those legs excellent job guys justkeep it cool in here with me and 54321 that sherry got one exercise we're goingto squat down and down and up against what down and going to shower going downand up it will go down stay down to go up and up and we'll go down and the lastone bullet and go back down to our chair seat either as now so we just weren't atall of that balance now let's keep it
going down to those abstract 300 way all those talks back and forthagainst queen is your abs shared you have to you and 321 now up to the armsagain we're gonna work out those shoulders back and down up and down upand down and we're gonna go over our heads and bring those arms right here ina press over her shoulder exercises as far as you can go up and down and let'sgo up and down up and down up and down up and down up and down up and downthose lazy actually going through although i'm sure there's keep it movinghere and we'll go 54321 your heart before we go into that cool down andmove those feet move those i'm still
loose with an mp3 player and anexcellent job of destroying that cool down part of this body wants you todelegate to reach across your body last one down and we'll go keep going down a nice little march year543 each one year after that work over your shoulders again bring them acrossthose starting soon after that workout and one more time with the left shoulderbring them and other direction the insurer 13 actually now let me start tostretch the body so once you to bring your foot forward towards it see if you can touch the whole 32 youshould have felt that on the back side
of your leg that's your hamstring musclereach that goal is mihir 32 and bring it back once you try to touch your toes tothat the agency if you can get it over time to get there 33321 in that leg down notes back herethis is going to stretch out each and every word that link back their side ofher stress you know those ballots muscles back here and seek to bring downan excellent job through that we're going to get you warmed up your bodyexercise you also allowed and your stress your body you're going to feel somuch better if you continue and only as you continue to exercise just like thatand for just a little added bonus here
but it's a huge blow tv industry also weshould argue that he's clean air throughout that shoulda listened to myvoice and again at the end of that video this is exactly what you're looking formore work just like this just 82 and television show you teach you exactlyhow you can get more videos just like this so going to that relaxation hereand joy to the best you can and really remember that enjoy position with your back street as you lean back in your chair getrelaxed she tried to have your legs and arms hun christ as this is going to helpyour body feel more relax and loosen it
up if you wish close your eyes gazing out into thesunset on the screen let's start out slow deep breaths inthrough your nose slowly exhale again taxation you'll continue to breatheslowly and deeply as you notice your body getting more and more relaxed withevery breath you take but all of your stress and tensions float away thesetting sun rays that he is rich golden color
a contrary intention to the sky and another deep breath and and access as it gently rolls onto this year were a complete piece sunset as possible
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