Kamis, 01 Desember 2016

tmnt training lair review


the city has a life all its own especially at night sometimes it's quiet too quiet but you don't notice maybe you should because in the darkness when you're all alone you never know what could be lurking around the next corner or even at your own back door and you always think nothing bad is ever gonna happen to you

so you have to ask yourself are you ready well three chain reactions it's a shell callie and stick together and ok

there's no one that shop for like no one two three april anybody home april's in trouble i give idea easy tape rolling gently me casey what the heck are you doing that has to be the dumbest thing in the history of dumbest things anybody could ever do what were you thinking i'm thinking i'm glad that's

just the wiffle bat yeesh no i mean why would you do such a thing you asked me to remember i did not sure you did you was bragging about your ninja fighting skills and i said i honest makeup on you sometime and test how good you was and you said that sounded like an interesting idea so how are you guys doing i was about to

make some hot chocolate i can easily make enough for five great i love my chocolate one two three four and five oh come on april you weren't that scared you beat the crap out of me april guys gee everybody so sensitive around here think casey's okay out there that's

probably him now he's such a bone a up hello it's not casey sounds like somebody's trying to send the fax oh that casey gets me so mad what are you talking about april you totally clobbered well it's just that i really thought i was getting somewhere in my training with master splinter but

casey caught me totally by surprise i should have heard him coming you guys would have it takes a lot of practice master splinter spent a lot of time training us to be aware of our surroundings at all times after a while though if you studied hard enough you got a sixth sense for it maybe you guys could help with my ninja training way

why not i'm a quick learner no april it's not you it's us last time we tried to play sensei well let's just say it didn't work out too well yeah we thought we could teach this kid and we were just kids ourselves wrap that's no way to tell a story here let me do it

it was a dark and stormy night in a galaxy far far away mikey i mean many moons ago on a night much like this one we were four young turtle todd's facing the most horrible of dangerous dangers to attend to the wrath of master splinter we've been warned we knew what we were not supposed to be

doing do not go to the surface never ever go up to the street it is far too dangerous under no circumstances should you ever go above ground if you ever even think of going topside just do not you had better hope i never catch you going out of the sewers so what did you guys do we went topside

when we finally got the lid off no cutting in line and move your big that she'll it's amazing all this open space man master split has been holding out on us up here it's it's beautiful what we didn't know was that just around the corner was destiny are actually it was this kid who needed help danny mcdonough and is won't pack those guys

think they own the street how come they got a plan for my steps tv i'll help you will stand up to them i'd like to but they just beat the crap out of us you go on around the go home i'll be okay be careful i'll see you tomorrow hey guys here comes arnie dork you forgot to pay your toll yesterday

this year's our street i don't want no trouble well you've got trouble raffaele k in a trash yeah trash and i'm the king oh yeah we can attract guys somebody's coming little fella he ran into a dead shit yeah

finally some real action remember we can't be seen time next time for your toll if you want to use the street come on we're outta here thats what young master leo convinced us to help the kid out to train him so we wouldn't need little green guardian angels all the time we thought we already knew

everything there was to know about ninjutsu so how hard could teaching me and it had to be better than being stuck in the sewers doing nothing ok you guys know the plan will each take turns teaching the kid what we know oh great agreed but remember guys no matter what happens we can't let master

splinter know what we're up to hey kitt i saw what happened earlier you know you really shouldn't let those bullies push you around like that it's no biggy i'll heal it is a big deal it's a matter of honor you can't surrender your honor so easily the street belongs to everybody not for guys like you and me went to small know those guys are

small because they have no heart and no honor my sensei my teacher always taught me the true strength comes from within yeah maybe but how do you get it on the outside you trained trained in the art of self-defense i can help you teach you first of all you have to be serious about wanting to change things you have

to feel the power connect with the power find your inner core your honor your true heart have you found it yet i don't think so oh well dude i can't feel my legs that's a good thing stay focused and breathe and you'll find your true strength excellent

michelangelo donatello lift your leg higher for the kick sorry master splinter that is he not for now you may rest my son it is leonardo's turn to train boy company are not all like splinter we want to keep practicing what it is leonardo's turn we won't mind will you leonardo wave it's okay leonardo see leo doesn't mind

is this right not just wonder what about this sleeping over the leg sweep i think i'm getting better i said enough practice leonardo they're not all it's all over we are so good leonardo yes master splinter it is time for your practice oh ok coming sensei sorry i didn't answer earlier i kind of dozed off there

for a moment now the student has become the master ya ready for more learning well i've been trying to be serious and breathing stuff to find my inner strength like you said but kinda makes my head hurt i still can't feel my legs what are you kidding me get out get out forget all that baloney

the first and most important lesson is this you need the right attitude and part of having a winning attitude is having a cool battlecry heroic super hero kind of battle cry like in the comic books i got it kuruvamma rope water guru sama it means mr. thunder guru sama it's perfect for you if you yell out guru sama while

charging into battle your foes will flee like cowards before you do i really want to see that come on let's try it oh just gonna cream me again not with your cool new heroic battle cry remember goru goru sama now go the right name how's it going great

good because i got something really special planned for him he's gonna love it it's important to really think your actions through it all like a game of chess you have to be thinking three to four moves ahead of your adversary planning knowing what's coming well it might take a little more time i

guess i'll be right back good lock i've been studying the board like you said and i still don't get it i like the horsey goal i'm trying to think it through but i don't know listen pal the first and most important lesson is never think never just act andrea and always attack

i sure wish you'd make up your mind be serious music battle cry they get pro never think i don't get it what you need is a weapon it's all about the weapons we gotta find you some kind of weapon yeah you try maybe you just need a better time let's see how you doing combat now

remember focus on your weapons it's all about the weapons maybe we need to work on the kids and the little finally different weapons now i wish for you to take what you have learned and use it in pairs michelangelo and leonardo donatello and raphael where is raphael he's in the shower

yeah you full have been acting very strangely of late rabbi al time to get out of the shower he rafael raffy hold still there what was that for you just got out of the shower i just got out of the shower sensei i can see that do you always shower with your mask on

i yeah it's a great way to keep it clean come let us resume your training ok now it's time to try out what you've learned to face your enemies but you already made me face him twice and they creamed me both times yeah i did well just try it again using everything you've learned so you think he learned anything i hope so

i mean you taught him basic self defense right mikey how to punch and kick and i covered inner strength i didn't teach you many fighting skills i thought rap was gonna i didn't dining at you oh she'll ok we're going to start over but this time with the real basics right for his master splinter would say the foundation

of any house must start strong and master splinter we can explain we've been teaching like you but not as good as you you know trying to follow in your footsteps this kid and enough home now but the kid we can't just abandon him you are not ready to teach you could do more damage than good boy must find his

own half as you must find yours now come we are going home man who splits or angry he must have made this practice for 78 hours straight i think he wanted to make sure we were so tired we wouldn't be able to go topside so whatever happened to this kid you know i don't know

i'll just have to tell that kid in the red hat the training isn't working guess i just don't have what it takes hey boy doing a little reading oh you're gonna cry all look he's gonna ride jiffy bag tv what are you gonna do about it that's right you better run you always been watching because casey joke date

let you push nobody around more cora cora go gaga wow come on steve i'll walk you home ever get the feeling that things are not exactly what they seem take this triceraton try bees it seems to be a space invader but it's really just another casualty still lying around

from the recent alien attack then there's a roku such aka the shredder he seems to be using his fortune to rebuild new york but he's really more interested in claiming all this leftover alien technology for himself lastly these big foot tall amazon they seem to want to slice us into anybody turtle pieces

ok that is really do want to slice us into itty-bitty turtle pieces michelle county stick together county there's no one that shot were like 1230 mr. mayor members of the press in recent weeks i have been called the savior of

the city in all modesty i am merely a man fortunate enough to possess the means to jump start the rebuilding of this great city my salvage and construction crews will lead the way in restoring in new york to a shining palace mr. saki do you have any comment on the allegations of your ties to an ancient criminal organization and your

alleged connections to street gangs like the purple dragons i'm sorry but mr sake son is not taking questions at this time mr. saki is it true that renegade scientist baxter stockman is still on your payroll please move back it appears this reporter has been overwhelmed by the excitement of this

event gentlemen the name of the game is ninja stealth and heightened senses as we like to call it hide and see so i guess this means i'm it no way huh come on you're missing the point of the exercise donnie what my senses are heightened with night-vision goggles

what do you say we heighten your sense of pain timeout duty calls hello another wrong number somebody keeps kind of facts me or something yeah yeah now where were we what the hell police copters something's going down to

the park can't quite make out what it triceratons gone some kind of activity let's check it out it's some kind of salvage operation look at all that alien detected grabbing something's not right yeah they're cleaning everything up no i mean something's not right

footage on good i could use a workout with these pajamas we'll be lucky if we break a sweat best is it just me or are we breaking a sweat no sweat naughty boy fellas i'm breaking a sweat now wow these guys are a lot tougher than i

remember better trained to in fact they're fighting style seems awfully familiar listen ypt sky patrol one salad perimeters clear insecure brother that sky patrol one hey since when the police jobs patrol operations guys can someone please tell me what the shell that was all about two

words alien technology right tons of it lying around after the big invasion and apparently shredders got all the salvage rights and the police are helping him and throwing up scratching the city and you can make all kinds of new friends so those reporters allegations anything i should know about pure tabloid fantasy

mr. mayor because the last thing i need an election year is camaster an urgent message i gave explicit instructions that the mayor and i are not to be disturbed you must forgive the rudeness of my bodyguard was he wearing a purple dragons dad to the dragon is a symbol of great honor in the land of my ancestors

now i have been reviewing your plans for refurbishing time square i'm afraid 47 million dollars is out of the question well you will require 147 million dollars i have already wired the funds into the city's account haha oh well i'm sure you know best always whatever shredders up to with that alien tech it

can't be any good the question is how can we stop him the old wooden clog in the machine sabotage you mean breakstep now you're talking words i understand those foot copters we saw earlier headed towards the waterfront let's check it out and open report

master please forgive my earlier interruption but i thought want to know we encountered the turtles near the central park salvage operation you want to be seen or while i conduct our legitimate business is that clear yes master now as for the turtles they must not be allowed to interfere with my plans

actually have a little private might come in handy i've been never interrupt mr. saki dr. chaplin you'll have to excuse the new guy he's a little overly enthusiastic he just needs to learn his place let me see this project of yours dr. chaplin well when i say my budget it's really

based on the ground breaking work of dr. stockman i mean he's a giant in this field it's hard to believe i actually get to lead a texting with my idol lead but i'm the tech division leader so here they are called him the amazonian blade bots do i detect a resemblance you don't mind do you

it's just that well i mean you're just so perfect so anyway these bots are the latest in remote guided met technology completely controlled by our operatives in his teal your substations yes well the video game generation do enjoy their little play things i would like to see a demonstration why not the brightest their metal

excellent suggestion hold so what do you think mr. saki you did here he'd say this was all based on my work if your robots prove themselves by destroying the turtles stock to chaplain then perhaps we can retire your mentor dr. stockman once and for all looks like someone's going to be out of

a job soon i have other matters to attend to cry proceed with the other operation we discussed weight of the operation is this something i should know master apparently i'm not the only one who's being considered for early retirement fallen trivers and the footer already here

let's see if we can slow down there salvage operation permanently looks like we're in the central elevator shaft this is we everything's all turned around elevator going down i mean sideways mikey keep it down check out the armory we could have a

heck of a fourth of july with these fireworks know what i think we just found a way to keep the tribase tech out of shredders hands down their foot they're industrious little monkeys of him back so that's what they're after the tribase power cord doesn't look so dangerous to me you kidding there's enough juice in that thing to

wipe out the entire city most of new jersey we can take about easy and that ninjas just a flunky sure don't fight like monkeys no they finally try you're saying goodbye train these i guess she's been working for the shredder

lucky us hey careful with that thing unless you want to vaporize everything within a hundred-mile radius so how do we keep sweaters coons from coming back for it by making it inoperable will need something to short his circuitry something like that water a lot of water salt water a few

well-placed explosive charges in the trial basis asteroid underbelly should open up the floodgates short out the power cord by the time we're done there won't be any alien tech left for the foot too selfish timer set for one trigon about 10 minutes by my calculation plenty of time for us to get out something else to get it

well this is something new really don't have time for this follow me we need to get the show out of here before those explosives ok let's go no what's happening amazonian blade bots get them out of the flood now

yes he favored indestructible what if this young upstart park actually succeed and finishing off those reptiles i'll be finished retired permanently we'll see about that you guys all right fine swell i'd be a whole lot better we get the shell out of the speaking tribase come on up here it's the only way out of

the chamber guys hurry up before the water price to power cord well that was close but at least we made it yeah up but not out yes 12 its power cord with a side order of fries i think we damage this one

sorry right moving before we find ourselves going down with the ship oh not again don't have time for this yes that's right they take a lickin and keep on ticking let's see them like this one time we caught a lucky break are you out of your shell sparking karai bots just fell into a roomful of

triceraton explosive well now what crying what is the status of the turtles have been captured destroyed no my lord i'm afraid they got away what she couldn't give us a lift shut up its win i don't understand what happened the bots were all working perfectly and

then somehow they just self-destructed here's the problem a glitch in the power surge protection code rookie mistake one i can easily correct please don't blame the boy it's my fault i should have checked his programming more thoroughly see that you do in the future this entire project would have been a

complete failure and i not heeded karai's advise the tribase operation was simply a decoy to keep the turtles busy while she recovered this my true objective i would be happy to examine whatever alien technology you were able to i can assist in any way master i enough karai and i need to discuss how best to read this organization of

deadweight master if i may this ongoing project of obtaining alien technology costs are skyrocketing i appreciate your concern cry but money will be meaningless where i am going

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