all right. we're going to get started now. so welcome, and thank you for attending thiswebinar on interactive transcripts. my name is josh miller. we have about 30 minutes to cover thebasics of interactive transcripts. and we're actually going to try to make thepresentation about 15 minutes and then leave the rest of the time for questions. the best way to ask questions is by typing themin the questions window that you should see in
the bottom right corner of your control panel. we'll keep track of them and addressthem at the very end. also, please feel free to email or callus at any time after this webinar to discuss specific questions. our contact information is on this slide. and for anyone following along on twitter,the hashtag for twitter will be #interactivetranscripts. so, for the agenda today, we are going to walkthrough an overview of interactive transcripts. we'll also go through the process and workflowstep by step of just how to get those
interactive transcripts on your site. and we'll also provide a little more informationabout who we are as a company. so what are interactive transcripts? here are some of the basic characteristics thatyou'll find with an interactive transcript. first, the text is precisely synchronized withthe media, which means the words are being displayed and highlightedas they're being spoken. so the transcript is also actionable. the user can search by keyword, or jump tospecific segments by clicking on a word. and finally, the transcript lives outside of thevideo player, as opposed to a more traditional
caption overlay, which is directlyon top of the image. interactive transcripts can beused in many different ways. we have built them to be quite flexible in theway that they are implemented from a look and feel to an orientation perspective. so here are some examples where it can be belowthe video player, or next to the video player, it can be collapsed, and so on. we'll walk through a few examples real quick. this one's from educationusa one unique pieceabout this implementation is that they recently added translation to the transcript.
so if you go to their, you'll see a drop down to switch between different languages within theinteractive transcript, and each language is actually synchronized as well and is its owninteractive transcript within the same widget. this page from automotivevideo is a good exampleof how companies are using the interactive transcripts in a training setting. so the text acts as a valuable tool for users toreview any specific portion of e-learning or training material and reallylearn at their pace. so this page also shows how the look and feel ofthe transcript can be changed to match the color of the player better.
and this last example shows some of the cross-filesearch capabilities we offer. in the first two examples, both transcriptsoffered the ability to search within the video based on the spoken words. here, what you see on the right is a search boxthat is actually searching over 100 different video interviews from this video library. so users can jump to an exact segment of a video,even if it's a different video, that the keywords from their search appear in. so we call this functionality archive search,and it's an extension of the interactive transcript.
there are several key benefitsto interactive transcripts. first and foremost, they allow for more useractions, such as search and quick navigation through a video based on what'sactually being said. once an interesting piece of content isdiscovered, it can also be shared very easily. transcripts are also a key component of improvingthe seo performance of your videos. transcripts, whether they're in the form ofinteractive transcripts or even more traditional closed captions, also provide an accessibilitysolution for hearing impaired viewers. and people in noisy environments such as anairport, or a quiet environment such as an office or library where it would beinappropriate to put the sound on.
and finally, transcripts are really the firstrequirement to translating content into other languages to reach a broader audience. so we're going to walk through the process ofreally how someone would get an interactive transcript on their site. so first would be just setting up an account,which is a very quick process with us. some things to keep in mind about our accountsystem is that it's very secure, and you can set permission levels for different users andhave multiple users within one account. when it comes to uploading files, and really allof the processes here, we really aim to make workflows as unobtrusive as possible.
so we give you the ability to automate as muchof the process and workflow as possible. so in order to create a transcript, we wouldneed you to upload the actual video file or audio track for us to transcribe. you won't have to change the way you hostor publish your video content at all. the whole point is to link in towhat you're already doing. so you're simply adding the transcripts thatwe're creating to what you already do with your video. so there are several ways to uploadvideos, including a secure web uploader, ftp, or our api.
we've also built integrations with several onlinevideo platforms and lecture capture systems, such as brightcove, ooyala, and kalturato make the workflow even easier. everything is really based on this webinterface, so there's no software to install at any point. our interactive transcripts workwith many web media players. and specifically, the players below here are allbuilt to work without any need for customization or additional development. we're adding to this list all the time. in general, the interactive transcript iscontrolled by javascript controls and our api.
so the media player must be embedded on the pageitself as opposed to an iframe, and have basic javascript control features. if you aren't using one of the listed players andwant to discuss this in more detail, please get in touch with us after the webinar and we canwalk through the exact specifications that you're working with. when files are complete, you have the ability toconfigure your interactive transcript however you like it in terms of the appearance. you can select various parameters, such as whetherto enable a clipping feature for people to share segments; transcript downloading orprinting; whether it can be collapsed on the
page; and pick from a few standardskins for how it appears. you then hit update settings and the code actuallyupdates immediately for you, so you just lift that code out of the pageand paste into your html code. if you dig into the code itself, you'll seereferences to a particular file id and api key. these are unique to your account and can bereferenced within the account, but it's a way so the code is actually replicable very, very easilyfrom page to page, and all you're doing is changing the file referenced. in general when files are complete, you also haveaccess to many different transcript and caption formats that you candownload at any time.
we actually store these output files indefinitelyfor you to come back to whenever you need them. so for example, if you're using one video platformone day but decide to switch to a different video platform six months from now,you'd actually have access to a different caption format if needed withouthaving to reprocess anything. so there are many other features within theaccount system as well that could be useful depending on the type of work you're doing,and we can certainly walk you through that separately if you're interested. so a little bit about who we are.
the inspiration for 3play media started when wewere doing some work in the spoken language lab at csail, which is the computerscience lab at mit. we were approached by mit opencourseware with theidea of applying speech technology to closed captioning for a more cost-effective solution. we quickly recognized that speech recognitionalone would not suffice, but it did provide a starting point. and so from there, we really developed aninnovative transcription process and an entire platform that uses technology and humans to yieldhigh-quality transcripts with time data. so we're constantly developing new tools toleverage the fact that these transcripts have
time data, and those new products are reallybuilt with the input from our customers. our focus is certainly transcriptionand captions. we've also built lots of different mechanisms forautomated workflows, both with and without a video platform. and we also provide translationinto many different languages. we use a multi-step review process. as i mentioned, it includes bothtechnology and humans. and it delivers more than 99% accuracy, even incases of poor audio quality, multiple speakers, difficult content, or accents.
typically about two thirds of the text in the workis done by a computer, and the rest would be done by transcriptionists. so this makes our process much moreefficient than other providers. more importantly, it affords our transcriptioniststo have the flexibility to spend a little bit more timeon the finer details. for example, we'll diligently researchdifficult words, names, and places. so we're really putting more care into the overalltranscript and have ways to ensure correct grammar and punctuation arereally put in consistently. we've also done a lot of work on the operationalside of the business, such as making it possible
to match transcriptionist expertiseto certain types of content. so we have about 300 transcriptionists on staff,and they cover a broad range of disciplines. so if you have tax-related content, it can bematched up with people who have a financial background. and one thing to note is all of thetranscriptionists who do work for us have gone through a rigorous training program andare all based in the united states. one thing we've found is that no matter how hardwe try, certain proper nouns or vocabulary can be extremely difficult to get exactly right. so, we've built the ability for youto make changes on the fly.
so if the name is misspelled, or if you decide youwant to redact text, you can actually make that change on the fly and just press save, andthose changes will immediately propagate through all of your output files. all of the time data is maintained as well. so there's no need to ever reprocess files justbecause a little change needs to be made. while we build many tools that are self-serviceor automated, much of our success as a company is really based on the fact that we giveall of our customers lots of attention. we expect to walk people through the account toolsand enjoy building those relationships, and it's also through these conversations that welearn about what other features and products
would really be worth developing,as i mentioned before. so we really do value the feedbackthat we get from our customers. so we've included some urls here on this page. they range from some resources on our website tosome video tutorials that all talk more about some of the tools we offer, some of the processesthat we have on-hand, as well as some examples here. so the educationusa and the mit150 examples aretwo that we showed you just now if you want to take a look at those live. certainly my contact information is here.
we're going to take a couple minutes to aggregatethe questions, and then we'll come back and answer them. so if you do have questions, now's a greattime to enter them into the question box. we'll be right back. so the first question has to do with pricing. the standard cost starts at $150 per recordedhour, and that's of the content itself. there are different ways that that could changebased on turnaround or the difficulty of the content, but that's the starting point. and that'll get pro-rated to theexact duration of the file.
so if it's a two minute file, you're only goingto pay for two minutes' worth at that rate. one thing to keep in mindis that that standard-- i had mentioned that thereare expedited options-- that's a four business day turnaround. and it could be several hours of content, andyou'll still get in those four business days. but that's the standard starting point. there's also a question about larger archives andhow that's handled in terms of turnaround. we can handle-- what we normally quote is up to 20 hours percustomer per day to still get the four day
turnaround. now, if you have a large archive, say 100 hours,200 hours that needs to get processed, that's something that we would plan out with you toachieve a timeline that works for both of us. the process though, i shouldsay, is entirely the same. there are ways to upload in batches, as well asdownload files in batches should you need to download the output. so there's a question about if you havetranscripts, can we turn them into interactive transcripts or captions? unfortunately, we don't havethe ability to do that.
because our process is pretty unique, thetext and time data are all being created in that same process. as opposed to some other methods are to transcribefirst and synchronize after, there are certain quality concerns that we would saywith that process, which is why we do things the way we do them, which also means, unfortunately,we cannot take a transcript and synchronize it. if you do have transcripts or text, the one thingwe could do is use it as a reference point to just ensure just a little bit higher level ofquality, specifically for things like speaker names or difficult vocabulary. there's a question about how section 508, which isan accessibility law, comes into play and how
interactive transcripts can address that. the law states that for video content,synchronized text has to be made available. and usually that means closed captions, andthat's because the text will appear in synchronization with the image so that peoplewith hearing impairments can follow along. because the interactive transcript issynchronized, it will achieve that goal as well. the key being that the text is synchronized andcan follow along with the video and be there right next to or below the video. so it is a good way for the accessibilitygoal to be met. there's a question about how we create aninteractive transcript and we put on our site,
but where do the transcripts actually live? so by default, if you were to install aninteractive transcript in the method that we described just now, it would actuallylive on our server. the transcript itself would be coming offour server over the api to the web page. now that's an option. you can also self-host the transcript, and it'sjust a little bit of a change in the way the javascript points to the source transcript. so it's absolutely possible to put on your ownserver if that's what you prefer to do. so there's a question about whether you need to bethe actual owner or publisher of the video to
get interactive transcripts. we've seen examples where people want to take avideo on youtube and put it on their site with the transcript or captions, and thatis something that we can enable. so that is possible. as long as you're able to get the embedcode for that video, that's fine. and the other caveat is that you wouldneed to get the video file itself. even if you don't own it, youwould need the video file. youtube is unique in that we can pull the videofrom the video pages, but most other sites make it more difficult to do that.
so somehow, some way, you'd needa video file to upload to us. there are some questions about the idea of usinga video platform and what that process looks like if say you have a brightcove account. what happens in those cases with brightcove,kaltura, ooyala, and some others, basically we enable a linkage between your video platformaccount and your 3play account. so when you enter some certain credentials intoyour 3play account, you're actually able to see all of the videos in that account that you'vealready uploaded while you're logged into 3play, and then you just press a button to choosewhich files you want to process. so it takes the extra step ofuploading files out of it.
it also helps us pull in certain relevantmetadata, such as the video id, from that platform account to make the processeasier down the road. so there are definitely some advantagesto doing it that way. it certainly simplifies things on your end. and so it also enables other functionality downthe road, such as automatic post back that can take place with captions, and really just makingthe overall process much, much faster. so a question as to whether using the interactivetranscripts has an extra fee on top of the transcription rates,which is a great question. we don't charge monthly fees to use the service.
we don't charge fees to use theinteractive transcripts. the rate that i quoted before, the $150 perrecorded hour, is an all-inclusive rate of all the formats and all of the different transcriptsand captions that we produce. so if you wanted one format one day and anotherformat another day, you've already paid for it. and that includes interactive transcripts. there's a question about how interactivetranscripts or captions could work together, or was it one or the other, or does ithave to be one versus the other? the way we've set this up is that interactivetranscripts are not meant to replace captions and vice versa.
these are modular pieces of content thatyou can use together or separately. it's really up to you. so it's not meant to replace. it's meant to be just another option forpublishers to allow their users to consume the content in another way. so if you prefer to use captions,that's absolutely fine. if you prefer to use both captions and interactivetranscripts, that's fine as well. there's a question about how seo playsinto interactive transcripts. basically, the interactive transcript itself is ajavascript widget, which means the transcript
isn't on the page. and that's the critical point for seo. so there's an extra step that would have to takeplace, which is very, very quick, but there is one more step to get the transcript in the htmlcode that we would walk you through, and that's basically putting the text into a noscript tag. but the key to seo is to have the text from thattranscript in the source code so that google or any other search engine can crawl it. otherwise with a normal video, or even just thejavascript, search engines can't actually crawl inside them.
that's why having a transcript forany video is really valuable. there's a question as to whether it's possible tohave multiple videos on a page with multiple interactive transcripts, and that's actuallya feature that we just recently released. so yes, you can have multiple interactivetranscripts referencing different transcripts and different videos on a singlepage if you need to do that. there's a question about if you have a playliston a page, and you're switching between videos within the same video player. and you see this a lot with the video platforms,like the brightcoves, ooyalas, kalturas of the world, where you can have multiple thumbnailsessentially to initiate the playback of
different videos. and so there is a way to enable multipletranscripts to play on the same page in the same interactive transcript widget as well. basically when the video would change,the transcript would as well. and again, that's made much easier when you'reusing the video platform from the beginning and importing the videos to us for processing. that actually accomplishes a lot of thework to enable this type of feature. even if you're not doing that, there are ways toenable this type of functionality that we can walk you through.
but the answer is yes, you would be able to enablethe transcript to switch with the video. we are just about out of time now, so thank youvery much for joining us and taking the time. if there are any other questions,please feel free to reach out. i would be happy to speakwith you in more detail. so thanks again.
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