Selasa, 13 Desember 2016

training fins review


for berkeley st lee has usually not toobusy at three forty five a day after such a day i'd never forget database access for just a little morethan a year that's me in the middle bob it mightwork jeff and jude body image you know carried by thank you for a political zero seven two oh seven organizations out there fora lot of the lights on in the wind

blowing in the vicinity of shasta just east of market open panic by fifty u_n_ any further information on asuspicious or else the hide grandiose and that's a big hit no time we have no further information

exactly accurate maybe and you knowbarbara bob barnett because i don't have muchinterested meaning five aa go ahead to seven limited spaces out and a half minutes license number your seven hours

aaye why not let alone i'm going to have a baby and they have a baby well please help me looking out for i'm glad you got an ambulance executors now i think i lost my schedule she was

then i remembered monday that we'd befar after first being plants instructor gave his his most important advice hilo hee haw keep calm there are more question back to ordinate last minute we appreciate it biochemical

that jack kilby invention to jen the bond market byron wien i have a question well mark has been one mein abhi tu i got to thinking for what i do if i hadto deliver a baby seems to me p to that question who delivered morebabies than most doctors that's right which is called for me andi'll be very much rusty anyway

but what if he doesn't get to a sometime wedding bands it's the same advices are busy chalo hurt days to convey upfeeling up reliability to deliver the trial what would you say there's next big get the mother to be to a hospitalbefore she delivers that's right are there any other question

yeah how do you deliver a baby microwave answered your questions all right i know you're worried about techniquesand so forth right okay so you can get it to the hospital ontime your country around here and you'll have it by calling her making her comfortable

you ask her to remove you've already asked for the ambulance and nature is about to take its course from there on this mostly what you don't not what you do you don't interfere with a naturalsequence of events for example you don't want to uh... remembered by calling on the baby directed into the

babies neck muscles and possibly onmonday i mean that's all there has to do justreceived a baby there must be something else jones yousupport the baby and keep the glare of anyways manhole longer what they'reslippery about the cutting of the car and all the other things the doctors do well first of all you're not a doctor and if you don't have a receiving onehundred none of that men in your car

and i'd say your job will be to get themother and baby to go that the mother is able older baby giveit to her for the moment should replace it facedown on the mother stumbling based on the line includes in the baby'smouth or go to drink just make sure the baby can breathe andisrael headshot in trying to tell you lacking materials inability that is mostly is that what you don't if you can see a brother

firsthand overcome your fear bywitnessing it washing experienced person point p here receiver child cut the cord if necessaryyou'd also learn what to do with the materials weak areas but lacking that opportunity then you should receive the baby any other questions yeah i've got a lot of questions forthat is that we're not doctors

bailey that he died yeah i got to go into jeff garcia ledremember hee haw remembering all this was a big help and he said to put into action clearproblem want to go out there in time going tohave somehow they then a minute til seven zero seven go ahead with that that suspicious daughter turned out tobe announcing attorney

as the direction and then she claimshe's going to be there in a minute will try to understand kaczynski it to u who you're listening to live identify a particular appreciate cosmic yet i have no i didn't all-white i can fight

legend on way will manage allegheny left make your campaign going to leave acomment medicare and it goes off i'd like to move my car gets ablacksmith guard at the gates policy what's the situation but theycould be one i think what we did defender scared of that why don't you flag to go after the aesthetic i'd tryto keep her calm

you've gone to your by calling her dad died right leg everything is going to be all right nowwhy don't you calvary let that be comprehending aunts now it's up to nature an out of themother here interfere with the natural sequence of aman

you're doing fine will you please come down wife therefore had baby's head is coming you don't want to uh... long-term wong you support a billion cubic whereveranyways he seemed like

every day is going ok he kept trying to testing katie seat but you do in a goodjob you're alone pierce this to clean the baby's mount up eat that bob he said it see if there's still the not worrying nikhil

don't dwell on the card despite the abnamro take it supports europe is where the basin would be helped hope thathelps catch anyways what your hand on the mother's stomachand massage it gently that'll help reduce any hemorrhages although it usually under theseconditions they seldom have such problems locating that ought to do it congratulations walk back to me

better job than the average recorded when i remember about that's not yourjob let's take a look now jordan to get the maturity cryptic well as the new mother and how that new phase everything objections well above in charlotte better late than never here jim carreycantv okay bob asia chance to practicemedicine

i'll show you how to cut the cord and here's the uh... trying to eight times square knot try the next not three inches from the other now all you have to do staff in the center of the two tapes that employees are doing fine would you like to hold you danny

now tell me the baby and get the motherswhen we come up will get them to the hospital robbie robertson rhino indexed operation is three percentof the after birth and event in which to place a personalso we can make it to the doctor the league's aman at hand and telling all of the came out things i guess but this between her legs like asanitary napkin

cocaine that's fine i let's get moving got you covered plan to go with the fastest they'll take it to the hospital withyour friend box you travel a great deal elevate correspondent dr relating it netting when the all hands your t_v_ movie overand over it

and beyond and that everything and iwanted to believe that there is going to the following don't want you to ensure that doesn'tgive a big smile qualities we are not going to work butyou're doing you're applying for jobs i had to get married part i don't even have the name of the motherwhen i got mostly information from the major their mississippi's u_s_ five and so she may be more

old appetizer remittances based his ownattorney bert boundaries museums as kids i hope this doesn't prevent you frombeing a good literature and tell me what happened market with just yet and remember and i will massaging and kung contradicted uh... resentful of other problems aswell i didn't do anything wrong

depends perhaps you are generally a professional conference if you'll excuse us from olympia doctorhere and i are going to have the unanimously paul please do i'd probably all be done tell me how they deliver the grandbabydr that the radioactive i didn't do anything i did receive a van was born and tryingto keep them out of the brain

for you to the right thing and you getyourself combine comida mother and you let nature take its course it's everyone's tendency to try to domore than they should such as traders speed up the group by pulling on thebaby when all you have to do with this loadedinto the hands and hold a great many ways into providing expertise in person say dr just before the baby was born there wassomething that scared me for a moment

big splash of water but sometimes happens but it's quite review the policy good morning marc klaas activity came i didn't know what to do all these docs not had the stickycommonly see today is about to engage a rag indiana you're going to be the main job went to see when i write the baby wasalready delivered

try to help out by a showing how to usethe uh... here's a range through movie amniotic fluid from thebaby's mouth well you can also use the integrity ofthe biggest about but the syringe is much better findings agree and the only during theprogram elisa trouble doctors we don't have allof this equipment in the car uh... what would you carry human patrolcar number one i think here sir

rural area i'd want strolls scissors sometime case across the world by storm hamstrung she was among before thedelivery that they would do it measles and threatens to use it out all of these items can be used in otherwords it as well and of course you must know what you'redoing before using heavy equipment and nothing to do it possible that thegrandmother to a doctor

accorded in fact it might be best a_b_c_'s jim wooten up unless you can probably true baby clones well i better get going oscillator thanks very much man my tax many of you right home

and i want one i guess i was just plain interacting that was that i come back you said person experience at never forget and one i wouldn't want to this event gross and net in-service you're seven

status on bicycle at twenty six fourteendays in a five a day off

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