Selasa, 27 Desember 2016

training review ppt


hi and welcome to the video series thatfocuses on the face to face relationship model of selling miami doctor david lauter of cells aprofession and this is the list that you are watching i'm also a twenty-year sales veteran anda college professor with twenty five years of teaching and sales trainingexperience as you know life is all about selling wesell everyday now some people adapt a professionalselling more easily than others but sales people really succeed are thosewho study the aircraft and never stop

learning eight of these four videosbegin within introduc introduction that includes a list of objectives andjudging criteria for that specific call in this series of role plays we follow asalesperson from their approach all the way togaining the prospects commitment each of the videos focuses on a specificcesar step of the call now at the conclusion of each roleplay thesalesperson confirms that the objectives and judging criteria have been met then you're given key points to rememberthat direct you to sections in the text that relate to the scenes you arewatching

the structure i hope will help youcreate the most dynamic presentation that you possibly can use these videos to reinforce theprinciples assassin chapters nine to thirteen those are the very heart of relationshipselling the face-to-face portion of the sale selling cycle walla thank your professor for selectingmy textbook and using this video series and i want to thank you the studentsespecially four i consider to be the most important class you can take inyour college career

welcomed the hard-liners focus on theface-to-face licensing model system today's topic is the oppressed over thenext few minutes of a closer look at again in the customers attention developing new customers and charles as your company on a consciousnessthat's fine let's get started on your screen certificates and criteriaas any attachments off the object is to be a heads-up what youwant to accomplish in the state of the cost

imagine criteria provided tech transfergauging your acted as an accomplished in your objectives remember it once again customers attention anddeveloper entries for this critical phase of the call first of all time never saw perfectingmy homework ivf research the prospects businessonline and through my existing customers andcontacts even know the prospect are familiar withthis company

of all sorry tears researches industryand the neighborhood where as businesses located i didn't visited his business as acustomer good morning going in the more confidentcomfortable are being conducted in your prayers in this case i'm conducting a cold call i'm prepared to go for clothes in thebusiness if time allows or if not to close the call and set up an appointmentto continue at a later time remember that there's no second chanceto make a first impression

site addition to being prepared youwanna be prompt even early correct any potentially distractingvisual factors such as a tighter briefcase or crumble support materials what's your actions convey confidenceresponsibility and respect sector i t be enthusiastic and be dressed to sell all these factors play a critical rolein establishing credibility helping you take that first step towards buildingreporter

remember this call you back to see is acold cough hi i'm jennifer kirkpatrick fellseparate catering affects a one-stop order a source for restaurants because our clients with ordering datesand streamline delivery service if they knew kwik net which states my customerstime and money well here we are job and jams death fiveindependent roundup ready coffeehouses here in the city anderson a coffee it's a breakfast andlunch kit items midnight yeah for entertainment

by researches told me that the best timeto stop by between hours of three to five because this is their downtime diner in general manager of thislocation is michael to block even call to get the correctpronunciation of his name so here we go i'm looking around to make sure it's notbusy and confirm if this is a good time and also checking to see if i can spothonor and possibly a correction i don't see across corner workers by thank you

how do you see my multiply seem to thenyes this is all things expect used now actually i think there there's anaccelerant and five lansing outlines copy addis went past one couple comments ithink it is a hearing it's not busy sure alumna when that has long enough informationinterests i do this in a polite non-threatening way said respect and appreciation for thesepeople i've time availability hi frank mcconnell block

an article on thank you taking time to see me i'm jennifer kirkpatrick catering backs this is my fourth visit dot appetite i can see why the rears itscities but is your store than everyone music indian company out there in thecity thank you jennifer is jennifer right yes it is and i alsowon't be great to hear you guys have a great atmosphere

printing service great back anyone in particular means helpful came in with our server the show onthursday let's give a year james horner serverstables and chairs are perfect i'm not mistaken i think that's theevents like that well yes they are with original touches on a table thecourse great work was to be blocked please call me michael appreciatepositively so michael what got you interested ingoing to open up dot and dance

i think the coffee houses credible hopes for the community matter where they are i wanted to open a business brought people together that serve the community and culture and often work peanin alternative fast-paced lives cellphones inane com

began investigating small business visiting college campus keep my eyes and ears open for apossible businessperson i'm in my wife coffeehouse wild in myresearch really them and said yes dramatically grind cafe she was actually visiting from her hometown to send us the ohio she was interviewing for several jobs

and here we are sarajevo the area i've been here since i was it and you guys have any kids we're gonna wait a few years she's taken a jobs program managerhiking interest rates we would await tyler careers as a little more secure but have to say there's something aboutthe cocktails five

really enjoy i'd like to see what i can do to make job in santa stand-out stocks well obviously it's paying off so michael what do you think is the mostimportant bit of information and belief in the basic research has helped you in your vision for john i think that no matter how fast pacedour lives become that we still need other people

help define a comfort zones are here a place that serbs kafi and has entertained encourages all that the times i've been here before ibatteries really lively discussion act that was just talking to know thatthis is an agreement to you it is time for a father for twenty five tom anderson committee staff

unencumbered all come from a client and he largerstab listening here in fact he's the one who suggested i stop by family weightthomas one of your clients and like a lot of the other businesseshere in town thomas concern within that time is thatvendors if you're saying it's very good herewith inconveniences it has had to doeverything well i can relate to that like mondays wednesdays and fridays those trucks slowdown traffic

even cut in the parking space in mycustomers pass my vendors together before eight orbetween two and five in the afternoon doesn't always work out that way so deeply even lost customers toscheduling issues on those heavy delivery dates especially friday specifically this year if my customers can't get to it and one of our competitors

burning in another part of town another for tom having a work is great debate seasoncalling vendors and saying it's a date with a we'll tell so which experience as far as order it ithink that's a concern explanation mentioned it gives me a headache in fact comparing beards

somebody who works for the saturn if anything together can be frustrating hell yes so if you set up an ideal situation forgoing here in order and it's when they look like if i didn't have someone else to do itfor me point click was the best way well i have some good news michael i working with us they were able to helptom has order time by seventy five

percent and through the use of our services time for the delivery days have now beenshifted batista's over really that would be typically hang down yourorder time parents believe delivery schedules that minimize the impact thatcustomer traffic be of interest to you well how do you see that benefiting you give me more time to work with mystaff

pocketbook you acts and i can find more creative ways to installment samson ability to help thecommunity sounds like adding more times certainlyairport t absolutely on the job timing has changed bob michel i'll be happy to go into moredetail it is a good time he's been aboutpainting as he'd ask you some questions todetermine your critical needs and i'll

let you know we can do to help or i can schedule a time to come backwhatever the market all and yes you can spare fifteenminutes but no more are really have to get back to work onthose bids and collins moore's thanks michael i_d_ appreciate your time andpromise no more than fifty flew back to my office so how do i do rarity object is amazing criteria yousought earlier

i take a look first let's consider the objectives customers attention dot about the poor yes jennifer did a wonderful job buildingreport dude genuine enthusiastic comments aboutmy business and questions about operations she got me they open up that build credibility

jennifer was very credible jennifer talked about concerns i havethat are shared by my fellow business owner tom jennifer was able to help topped jennifer also demonstrated anappreciation of specific aspects of my business that showed me the gennifer knows whatshe's talking about she even identified the supplier matt peoples and cheers and she expressed all of this in verycaring respectful

dynasty a two-way communications the conversation was give-and-takethroughout she let me talk and listen to what i hadto say today's it's it's not what the purpose idea jennifer dot in talking about mybusiness ash on the cheek obviously cares aboutmy concerns and appreciates the job i've beenrunning a business or she's actually customer the more we talked

the more became clear that jennifer hasknowledge of services hiney run my business work initially and provide even better service for mycustomers let's go to the criteria amazing agnesand gain customers attention tonight's precip c_a_c_ at the time anopportunity jennifer was very precious in fact she thanked me for my time atleast twice to her conversation like in the customers attention andpositive manner jennifer offered to newman complimentsand positive comments about my business

operations plays one or more of the fact that ourprice explains jennifer actually used at least sixapproach techniques qualifying questions compliments referral self introduction question and consumer benefit

latino responses to open question well yes jennifer davis throughout for my comments tingling and relevantthroughout the conversation jennifer's com in support of my business and helped us tablets yourself assomeone who can offer additional support let's consider the objectives indeveloping the customer's interest estimate the customer's interest andhave to consider my proposition jennifer was very persuasive i believe the mentioning thomas critical

he's not only a fellow business ownerbut he faces a lot of the same concerns i have if jennifer can give comments trust me iwant to know about it by recognizing and validating myconcerns idly jennifer just might be able to help me i want to know more that with the customer and a friend ofmine that specific stains with jennifer asked of cutting notordering time addressing deliveries concern to make a difference

well the doors open she got in talking about what i'd reallylike to do with my time is currently being spent and otherthings that she fills our company contracts acidity criteria from as an effectiveness in developing the customer's interest tax plan the purpose of the call i knew what you want anyway she said she needed fifteen minutesasking questions to determine my needs

and creative solutions by the liver realistic initial benefits this was incredible she actually phrase ternational benefitstatement inform a question would significantly cutting down on yourorder time and arranging convenient delivery schedules that minimize impacton customer traffic be of interest to you i got my attention where the potential benefits appropriatefor the situation

that's a no brainer retirement perfect because i was about to engage inactivity their company can significantly impact that naturally enthusiastic about thebenefits i think that's a once again sold opens the door to a person the otherstar locations in the city and finally

that provide a smooth transition to thenext days otherwise that i sent us up to move on to mediscovery it's also a smooth transition for me because i'm ready to talk about myconcerns and consider a solution that will keep me competitive animal run mybusiness more efficiently and to smooth transition for me because i can now ask questions aboutthe decision making process they continue to advance the sale

throughout presentation heading into actions and gain commitmentto the quotes welcomed the party ought to focus on theface to face with a sense of model selling today's topic is the discovery over the next few minutes we'll take acloser look establishing customer needs qualifying customer needs as we continue with my call time michaeldevine on your screen

vcd objectives and criteria measuring effectiveness as it applies tome discovery the object is to find a heads-up away once accomplished essays is called mention criteria opera tech list stargazing effectiveness inaccomplishing your guests remember like established customer needs unqualified customer needs this crucial phase

so i think that's going to end customersattention ended up with interest during theapproach phase of my call on michael b block under manager of job and dance if i hadn't been successful he would nothave permitted me to begin to get back in the needs discovery face so now anita dot on the reporting to usthat established as i qualify this customer without the groundwork for my call andwork with him to uncover needs and explore the consequences impact of thecircumstances that create these needs

remember telling is not selling askingis you build report to disarm the customerand get uncomfortable zedillo open up he peaked our interest as gas questionsand carefully listen to their responses remember your goal is to ask the rightquestions and let them do the talking and always always take net and you can refer to these during thepresentation when hailey any objections that come up and when closing for the final decision and take responsibility for yourunderstanding of your customer

it's called the concept of birding if they don't understand something it'sbecause you you have not provided enough information for help in discover adifferent perspective notice that i think you need to ask theright questions therefore objectives your questions theytend to chief these are discover the prospects hot button aredominant buying might have established the purchase criteria orspecifications agree on a timeframe for completion ofnegotiations

and gained remain on the problems beforemaking the presentation as another key point to consider apicket undermine all your efforts if you don't ask early in the states you must confirm that the person youmeeting with has the authority to make the final decision and you must makesure that all parties are present who will be a part of making a final buyingdecision before proceeding this is the ideal scenario but in most business-to-businessiterations to go off to be selling to influences this require more formeetings and presentations

now in all phases of every call i musttake responsibility for sharing the understanding of my prospect anything they don't fully understand isnot their fault so let's get started with our needs thescc every face i'm reading the prospects environment i'm looking around to further cluesabout how the owner likable off and business here i'm looking for things like pictures onthe wall publications

personal touches another word i'm looking for anything ican use to continue to build reporter like the people on the wall with forty well thanks again for taking time thewith michael you know i'm picking up a notice ofpieces of the voice based on soccer teams on the law well as i said i believe that business hasresponsibility of the community and besides i mean you'd supporter ofsports for kids

support is much appreciated store in fact i believe that the benefits thatmy company has to offer you helped free at that time revenue three invest inthat support or more evident in more free time with serbia now michael animation that on his anyopportunities to help you fill that time in revenue ask you some questions people ask you something has toconfidential just let me know now move on

since there's no alexander wanted to ask these questions in orderto determine your specific needs tell py discovered that best solutionthat we have to help those needs nappy field offer you a viable affordablequality solution indicating a combined decision today which we can offer an affordablesolution my time over the bistro i'm definitely interested

perhaps what i hear today i could be persuaded to make a decisiontoday well that's good to hear michael now if you feel that the solution that ipresent to you is a perfect fit for you here john and jams blended in yourself and be involved inmaking that decision of just major i'll make that decision okay like i said before michaeldistilling take about fifteen minutes and should you have any furtherquestions your interests and prepared to

continue with my presentation slamming your heidi on time seems faye resnick seems very major well michael have you ever heard aboutcatering effects well i have heard the name pressing your catering company you know for parties maybe corporateevents that sort of thing well where for my three companies that specialize insupplying felines and equipment to the food service industry

now initially our clients with asassociate with those three companies well then we try to find out how muchpotential this is the foster note they've been process and many of our customers grew tiredfrustrated in dealing with it now i can relate to that outlook sometimes out settle brother and look in a possible pricebreaks just because of the process can be a pain and time-consuming

once the president francis like yours we decide to look for ways around thosethose price paid to secure this price paid for our customers we also went off very streamlined targetdelivery schedules nine oh one k_ down traffic there were fuel-efficient and provideoptimum delivery times for a customer you mention streamline deliveryschedules emil retains began her my business

and they tend to happen architecture instead if there's some mighty address that i'dbe a lot less stress tensor well i know we can help you theremichael best crack clients or customers toexperience motivated motive in the process is an experience the headachesassociate with mold will deliveries during the week well so far you describe maturity so how many dangers do you currentlyduet

let me sick there's produced dairy eggs stakeholders coffee and beverage paper goods uh... let me give ofrejection she adeptly seems like there's more

there's actually thirty can take a look at that chart why do you need to see that well my guess is that many of youvendors actually already work with us so will be seeing you know people lined till recognizes angsouthwest so can you tell me a little bit aboutthem well they're located in the valley i've dealt with them not only

but my last job in your city universityfoodservice mom and pop at company they supply both the state university and communityhospital kary people really great service well service can make a difference socounty all thirteen men there's how may days per week do you receive deliveries i guess every day we at least fivedeliveries darien creditors their daily

c_f_s_ in reiko they come twice a weekeast coast foods to eat now mondays wednesdays and fridays areheaviest delivery days i guess as many as all thirty of ourvendors can show up on a wednesday okay yes he did he mention right cab you're actually one of our foundingcompanies we order a lot of the staple goods we first opened here a lot of our original kitchen equipmentcame from it any problems with delivery

on wednesdays i think they've been latea couple times alone that when first opened some pincher items that were backordered but nothing really causing seriousproblems so what do you think of that qualitiesthat they offer welder quinlan is very good they offer and good variety of foodproducts now variety is becoming more important asour business growth because our menus expanding as well

now write your offers a great deal morespecially for the items that we currently use currently need but that is such that it sell at a geeky expanding you may needto include new items well yes right now we're trying in many specialgoes well just to test them out one of my ideas is to mix variety of ethnic foods

a lot of our musical acts mix musicalgenres and i wanna menu that reflects blending of cultures now for example we could offer and tomake an entree within in times like this bass and unique michael so how do you see the spendingmanufactured affecting the ordering process in the end of its while the more items we need mortality spit check-in availability ampicillin vendors

and like i said i don't always have time to check intothat as much as i said if identities food product whose problems quality is compromise it's like shoot myself in the foot sewer to get the best price is the bestquality items and the best delivery schedules asrequiring more time in your business grows

last time he restored on that a fair statement i don't know if it's fair but it's accurate so are there any other areas of yourbusiness for expansion a call for additional purchases the emergency shelter currently when the planning stages opening newmusic venue upstairs

that were quite ditional seating carpeting or for any of some kind sound issues so jennifer you know anybody can help us out there well actually michael on indecencyhailing bids fifty dot and sleep process equipment furniture lighting glassware in paperbags ambition you're handling a jail withreiko they currently contracting with

more than forty vendors here in the city nosis growing and evander that you work with is notcurrently contracting with us we're prepared to work with them your service is not destructive anyway pubs are you happy with all of a kindvendors well qualities fine from my vendors far as i now

there are some pricing concernsespecially would produce andheri that market can change so quickly now you indicate how fronted deliveriescan really interfere with custer parking and traffic conference that occur well there are some delivery issuesevery week especially mondays wednesdays andfridays if my vendors get here before eighto'clock in the morning that he went smoothly

that doesn't always happen it's especially annalisa to think fellthirty mothers could be here by that time back injury well you never have to make adjustmentsordering because you anticipate problems with shortages are late deliveries wellyes it pays to play it safe that ordering strategy does not alwayswork when it comes to perishables if i can get a good price unstable goods

that have a healthy shelf life belur extra befor the bids change can cell michael and addition to deliverytrafficking timing concerns processing building ordering and game the best prospect on a consistent basiswas concerns you as far as a relationship with the vendors availability the time of crisis i guess sometimes or run out of specific menuitem and if we can get in touch with theirright away

we have to run to the store and arm and leg for it and i will cut in the cuts profits significantly let me tell us something that happenedlast week during our lunch for us we ran out of our speech we want you skirt is a substitute butthe product we'd received sport

we try to call the vendor and week atgetting a busy signal we had to run to the billy four price for the turkey just to get through the day began one of our industrial posters that we use for sandwich breads wentdead and again weakening in touch with thevendor we lost revenue from customers thatwater so much specials

the whole thing was a nightmare where someone can offer solutions toaddress or even prevent something like that from happening or that look like when i call a vendor to fix peacefulquit men expect them to show up on time guarantee their work antics of the first time

if not fresh enough to pay just like if product quality iscompromised it's near a place for that any extracharges so had an idea remember the objectives amazingcriterion sara lee r but take a look let's consider the objectives inestablishing customer needs identified requirements of the customermust satisfy returning his calls and jackets

i found out what the decision criteriaare for making affirmative decision i found out is it or use required forcommitment to the proposed solution eligibility criteria for measuringeffectiveness in establishing a customer's needs pays a permissive questioned to leadsmoothly into needs discovery i sended jennifer the sales call i'd also identified and prioritize thecustomers goals order of their importance in fact i had michael davis

isn't jennifer doing a good job now what's considered the objectives inqualifying the customers needs jennifer confirmed a clear understandingof my needs this was done out the phase of the call jennifer also verified that'ssignificant interest in developing a solution exists she gained agreement that if he can propose a viable solutionto my knees i can take action on her proposal

now let's review the criteria formeasuring effectiveness in qualifying the customers needs jennifer obtained understanding anagreement of my needs and how they can be met she's open probe enclosed proportions she asked what if type questions toqualify interest in designing an appropriate solution she's amplification an internal some request

jennifer also took responsibility forunderstanding my needs and concerns by using the concept of birds and she gained agreement on the problems by making a formal statement of the twoelection welcome depart three focus on your faceto face licensing models telling based topic making presentations over the next couple minutes take a closer look

seven years of conviction as i continuemy college basketball on your screen cd affected some criteriaamazing attacked again these objectives directed towards whatyou want to accomplish in this phase of the cost mentioned criteria provided specialistserved eighteen years reaching their objectives i want to build strong usa convictions iexpect my presentation geographically so therefore credibility

the right questions previous cases of now here are few rules to follow andrepairing any support tools for appeasing tation make sure everything is in working order make sure the environment is conduciveto conducting effective presentation when the prospects for attention poor lighting your distractions such asloud noises are traffic to interfere with a positive impact you want tohappen

for my call op right along severaltestimonials neatly packaged and easy to read people the prospect likely now i have a flip chart that will keep us ontrack during the presentation essentially functions as a visualoutline afoot chart is both around the benefitsthat i have to offer because it lets me know where i am inthe presentation i can engage in conversation with himand stay on track i can cost around listening to himbecause of foster's two-way

communication is also designed to keep moving forwardto the quotes it helps me tell the whole story by thebigger picture anti-media now it's important to keep your prospectit gave during your presentation is not a rambling speech if thegive-and-take relationship discovery now back to the number of notes duringthese discovery phase of my call took these notes because i have and knowmy business that need to know how to specifically help my prospect a betterjob of running kids but these guys i think we're not onlyfor the point of jotting down

information in fact most of you guys for actuallybeing taken to help me buckets of conviction for my outline presentation remember that before i can expect thesigned order form i have to figure out how to improve my customers business and i have to devise a way to persuadethem at the solution i have to offer is the best way to go i do this by preparing units ofconviction i'll begin my presentation by followingthe time three times role

optoma prospect but i'm going to share all talent during a presentation and three at the conclusion mypresentation hotel mein to share decent michael but i like denounced hisinability to you based on what you told me that willsignificantly reduce the headaches associated with an order and beenprocesses and tracking orders during the week he told me that the big process is oftena big headache for you right yes the special just setting the wholeprocess in motion

to be here to tell who when he still represents the threebiggest challenges anything that process in this the toughest thing is i don't have time to compare bits ofdetail most times i go to the best price you'vehad time to look closer i may see the package size is different copper products present a challenge because the market so volatile

and competitive i'd like to be able investigatingproviders jordan creating new blanche but in this candidate sheets angelos prior second hand it is a challenge when ups researching new vendors is also a pain i don't always have time to colorado forword of mouth recommendations there's no time to research except whatblack and online

i still want to verify that by callingpeople i know all right so researching then there'sanother challenge what would be different something i'd like to do when i can is visit my vendors it's logistics sheet not just time now distance can be a factor also case if there is visiting vendors

you know it actually sounds like thatall of that the three of your biggest challenges are really centered aroundone challenge what do you mean well they're also here and i have time i'm so how i make you feel if you hadone research that we turn to for comparing your kids and piped in volumequality and researching vendors into getting on-site visits prior to u_s_like a vendor i guess i would be skeptical but this could actually happen

like a turn in fact now for a one-stopsimplified the process what does that mean how does that work michael what this means is that for um... bids for all of your parkingacquit entertained by a thoroughly compared against a team verify it we need to be and visits uh... tovendors prior to accepting them as a vendor county go ahead

we have here is a report on an oversightinspections that we've connected the last three months i wanted to vendors now as you can seenot everything that makes the cut looks like you've covered quite a few i think if you look at things likesafety issues any news from a story practices pacific when court somebody when they're silly think of when talking to supplier

you can see a liability and legal issues too and financial i guess that's because you want to makesure the company's going to stick around this is impressive chapter pretty comprehensive list there where these numbers here like the twenty-two next a quality well then then reflects the prisoners itthen there's the rejected because of a

specific issue retirement renteria looks like what is the biggest reason ofinertia rejected that's good to know did she do such a thorough investigation i've never had time for that fatalities inspections of something thathas died like i said you cover issues that i hadn't eventhought of but package see how important it wouldbe

inflicting quality vendors we said somebody here that trust tocheck out all my vendors for all these things now michael here it is a report on fivebusinesses hearings privacy there currently using its and the members next the name if i couldsatisfaction level that they were seating using our services uh... and actually have a hard copythese reports only behind with you and therefore he supports and have emailaddresses and phone numbers only behind

with his well insularity contacting youknow i know they're foreigner he's the coach for one of the baseballteam to a sponsor i worked in my laptop university he's very direct no-nonsense tough individual and her friends so i just his judgment session when you tell me today michaelthe time that you would say by having a

one-stop certified that process from a company that you can trust something that would clearly bring valueto your company would you agree of court i've special like the fact that vendorsare screened so well now we have also is in addition to a one-stopprocess we attend the lowest price for the best quality now how would you define quality inselecting a vendor

that there's a quarantine i'm okay for example i prefer organic produce i know that usually cost more but depending on the island it's worthit better taste more appealing appearance m presentation how the product is handled aretransported affects quality delivery of services except few ethic

but you'll be happy now that we are inthe same page uh... servicing handling your key components of quality so when we say that we obtain the lowestprice for the best quality with this means is that the products and equipmentthat you get for months have been contrerasg careful screening process bycaving affects to show you get the best let's like with the on-site visits exactly in fact the distinction that park whileyou have a direct impact on the success

of the business i'm just because something is cheaperdoes not mean that support quiet no reason its better um... that he served for quality uh...product because it ended up to a letter as promised who suffers my customers and ultimately minded

so would you agree that it's in thelowest price for the best quality is something that you could really benefitfrom i can see the benefit for my customers animal obviously out my business as well tackling well i imagine that there are no moreheadaches debate process you're sure you get the best quality forthe best price well saw for optimum delivery schedule here ranging ideal delivery schedule foryou

ideally all my vendors will be there beforeeight a_m_ and like to be able to spread mydeliveries out more a few vendors only deliver on monday andwednesday and at times that things as far asgetting staffed put stock away and check things out like we discussed before backs oftraffic trucks in the parking history andunloading right there i can be frustrating

also pretty dangerous i think so from what you're saying is myassingment more flexibility and sitting deliveries to less hectic days actually pretty critical that a fairstatement more yes he'd be a great week many days it's like being under tears of surprise attacks hate getting hit hard by incomingvendors

are often deliveries can look and bythat and much more think about this and said all thirteen anderson happenevery single day of the week you have one service the delivers onbehalf of all of your vendors we seek your parts maker interst and we arrange delivery however you withus what this means to use less deliverytraffic earlier delivery times and he gave the week this also helps to work more efficientlywith dealing with your place and

released documents with me yeah earlier we talked about tom at thebistro actually have a testimonial letter fromtom stating what he appreciates nice about catering effects yes specifically assigned a team of two people who sold dot is receiving delivery computer facts tuesday and thursday

they work that early morning shift and their stock away but you know it's cut back on his deliveries and introduce traffic concerns he's not pulling staff as vendors comeat all hours the day have to call him so i think i guarantee michael that thisis a much better way to handle deliveries combina cramprocess right now that's an understatement

this would be great because like i saidaccurate spoke of because the live report me and my people away from serving our customers then i worry about customers getting hittrying to get around the delivery truck the more controlling sothat consistency i can't have a delivery issues thebetter exactly michael you know what we also offer a simplifiedthe process

lesson in economics and uh... placing onorders you mean calling them etc depending on the day became veryanywhere from a hour two hours some days you can take even longer if i'm on hold for some things out ofstock that i have to call it for granted forback well arsenal filer process eliminatesmost because of several vendors what this means is that you have onepoint of contact and three options for placing your order

you can call us you can place online youcan fax it to work nigel it'd be like if you had one if youhad your order placed online all at once and that's how much time it's even lesshassles bring on more stress saving time having less stressful obviously be curry as long as i still get my orders placedin time well i think appreciate the fact that wetake orders twenty four seven which means that you can place orders atyour convenience asu you're smiling so i'm guessing thatyou agree that a simplified or a process

that's certainly a minute hassles and make foreign crisis there i would have to worry about a busysignal or sometimes taking all day to you knowmy orders i can do it on one side of it jennifer alike that a lot you know michael and best of all we haveour canteens began to delivery before eight a_m_where you receive credit on your service nexrad is five percent for every hourthat relate to that occur

and we also guarantee quality product oras a place at no cost to you i care is everything from food irons toequipment and we guarantee service on equipmentthat you received this so how many in your current vendorsactually you can offer guarantees none of them you mention a five percent credit our person of what life relate you receive a five-percentcut on your fee for the service and that feed varies depending on the number ofinner cities

since then will yes it sounds more than fair i know you don't after service for what's the fee requests and i do you have a little bitmore information to the cover and promised to get back uh... now everything that we've talkedabout so far offers a tremendous gains in time

i'm so well i think you right now is addup actually add up the amount of time you'd save by using our service draft i d o k so how much time did you say youcurrently spend on the day process each wylie aitken it'd be a full days away i was a full day to you ten hours

okay so ten all right how much time to read to youcurrently spent and supporters somedays it goes pretty smoothly the most the time there's a glitch busy signals of problems in the kitchen customer issues that i have to drive but i'd say at least in our day including call back

okay some add five hours for ordering now how much time you spend on takingorders in supervising a staff of inventory especially delivers light a lot i guess in a week maybe five hours fat so what is the total number of hoursthat you and best and it's ordering and delivery issues

so instead of twenty hours through thisthing in less than one hour ordering you'll have guarantee delivery startwhenever u_s_ whatever day u_s_ somehow just as extra hours now that's easy i've spent any free time on training mypeople and on project like the new menu items and special events are music venue training right now it's premature rushjob that's not fair to the new staff and it's certainly not freddy'scustomers as the gate anytime i could save would be a definitebenefit

plus it we keep things positive an excitingand generate more revenue always a good thing so michael we're prepared to offer you asimplified they processed really the comparisons in research for it you get the lowest prices for the bestquality without compromising the integrity of the menu items or equipment now for hoffman delivery schedule that'sconvenient and saves time and money we also offer are simplified orderingprocess just go online to ensure their

it's that easy and you have are guaranteed s you said a minimum of fifteen hours perweek which will allow you focus on morale boosting engineering ideas and projects so would you agree to a catering affectsme chinese isn't is a viable solution well it sure seems so so how wild ideas guerrillas object is amazing grace herewe saw earlier

what are we that michael answer that the gennifer gain my support andcommitment to propose solutions yes she did she took advantage of every opportunityto reinforce the store outer presentation it she convinced me that's a solutionmeets my needs at the plan she's proposing is bible yet but she still loves little more work today

now let's review the criteria formeasuring effectiveness in the making the presentation jennifer related her specific solution my specific needs concerns and questions she is an appropriate number of units ofconviction as presentation material to convince me that buying from her b_m_i_visitors you can use five or six like jenniferdid or as many as ten to twelve depending on your situation

all units of conviction jennifer used i'd like specifically to meet and mybusiness she obtained feedback from the by askingreaction question such as trial closes worked hard she also addressed my information an operational needs she relatedfeatures the benefits by using transitional phrases ant jennifer provided clear evidences ofcourse the benefit like asset she's doing a great job andshe's got me salt

something apart fourth focus on the faceit's a specific model cells today's topics overcoming resistanceengagement the next few minutes we'll take a closerlook okay knowing objections closing for the final decisions to continue our call i wanted to block on your screen the cd objectives andcriteria financing effectiveness overcome resistance achievement the object is to give a heads up whatyou want to accomplish this phase of the

card imagine criteria divided checklistgauging effectiveness in accomplishing your objectives for this critical phaseof the cost don't be afraid to board objection rather than use the word of section putsconcept negative responses can be perceived as adversarial he's the terms concerns or questions atvs concerns or questions that areexpressed by a prospector customer his actually opportunity

it's opportunity to provider obtainadditional information the concerned your prospects these are perceptions and best of all his concerns andquestions are buying signals he says that they're thinking about howwhat you have to offer expert doesn't quite fit their needs remember when you don't have anobjection or concerns or questions you have a client now there are a number of basiccategories apart actions product objection

service objection don't want to make a decision company objections price objection an objection to the salesperson maybe you can see just proceedunprepared or poor the singer there is also a sixth at strategicnegotiation planned to following address in by our concerns note that the six th at is attempt toclose

that's right he perceived buying signals afteraddressing a concern or question uchida tend to close and there are several types of closesyou can use don't know what's to consider base onthe type of business an situation as well as a prospect personality style what she presented could help me operate more efficiently and grow my business by providing extratime to do so

but you mentioned fee so how much does this cost he said you talk about it later sounds like you might be expensive what you see michael in space in thenumber of vendors and require deliveries for thirteen vendors in a minimum of twodeliveries per week with all the benefits we just discussed arpa dissipation fees a thousand permonth uh... thousand a month

in order to receive the same products onmarty game perhaps a lot of grand a month come to pay that well granted many of the products willoften be the same but the headaches for the big process ordering delivery schedule to besignificantly reduced if we can work together to find asolution to address this cost concern that help you make a purchase decision who doesn't change the numbers

who's going to be a thousand dollars amonth i'm not so sure we have anything else todiscuss i can certainly appreciate your concernregarding price michael anna anderson how you feel eliza felt the same way when i firstpresented our service to them hits and i found at the time they say it in reallyfrom stress if they've received by having their bids ordering and delivery it's usually karenwas worth it really that bows and doesn't like a lot ofmoney

pitching much more than just having thesame price delivery brief only so far jennifer i'm following you but thousand-mile still a lot of money ok we'll look at this way roughly thirty three dollars a day whichis actually less than the cost of a single guest interns show you'll bespinning extra time developing new menu items screen entertainment concepts

and train your staff and didn't you mention earlier thepinsky easily based around for many positive environment yes i did he mention your day is roughly ten hoursright okay so thirty three dollars divided byten is a little over three dollars supra three dollars an hour or the priceis serving one customer per day you can bring in new customers and runyour business more efficiently so my correct in assuming that thisinvestment in time is worth the price is

one satisfied customer well look at it that way does take thesting out of it just thinking the phrase of thousands ofdid jarring i'm beginning to see your point city feel that our fees acceptable forthe benefits you receive okay i do think it's a fair price be able to pursue some my goals isdefinitely worth an extra three dollars per hour of my time

so i can take your the paperwork rightnow and take roughly five to seven days to process the ban information whatcomes out with your vendors began the up and running by thefifteenth on a mission signature and we can startplanning how you use the extra time you know how i don't know how does seem to think about this liking appreciate that this is a bigdecision packing understanding you i think thingsthrough

earlier said that you have meaning youguys in the works in your opening up additional space for music so much a timeline on that's well the new many years plan for themiddle next month that's winter season begins to pick up the music of in you will be up and running by the first ofjune so considering that women be a hugebenefit to have the extra time to get back to those projects

begins signed it today had everything in place by the fifteenththis month now to give you a phone line before the menus officially here it is well yes but not least still somethingon your mind was it the feel we haven't clarified your satisfaction wants to look and certain about excelleft it's more than a right now but i do enjoy working with them may be included with your service forkeep them separately

i'm assuming your vendor space some sortof perched patient fee so what does that mean accept less would have to pay a fee each of our disputing vendors does paysubscriber fees monthly fee these these are fees are reasonable andthey're actually well-received rising fuel costs mr happy has invested inrunning around four clusters works better for them topotential customers that we serve for smaller bed vendor that additionalbenefit if they're quick to have the extra business

so except west qualifies as abuse payingvendor expenses then two more opportunities for new customers to usethe products either way i want to continue with it float whether we can do comedy michael now we can arrange a time for you insome of whom caring affects me with the reprimand southwest if you'd like well that'll work sendai gesture concerns about thespender it'll be great to see any of ourbusiness

any benefits your service could passalong to them will be a plus for me personally you know you really do care about yourbusiness to customers in your vendors michael that's nice to see so how would you like to get thingsrolling this is hit also fast always your service but i just thinkit's or some things out

michael the decision not to make isimportant and i want you to be sure that you'remaking a sensible choice so that will be able to make sure thatthis is the best decision let's say that all the reasons in favorof cheese and cater affects and looking into some concerns or questions and then we can determine which sidecarries more weight make a decision accordingly let's begin with the ideas that favorpositive decision today that fair enough cachet paper here

on and on line down the medal from thetop to bottom at the top of once i'm writing reasonsfor it and atop the assigned reading reasonsagainst okay and ask if you questions and there areyour sponsors so why are the benefits that you'veheard the finest attractive reasons to get the service today simple ordered procedure okay an elaborate plan i think theprocess what appeals to you what we discussedabout the process

is our research to prepare for me okay anything else about the dates states time interest rates okay uh... what about quality issues inthe process lowest-price that's quality congrates um... delivery issues she said you likedearly delivery yes also it's easy to receive no traffic issues

engines in benefits for your vendorsespecially excel quest well yes and what about the guarantees uh... guarantees of course and in your inspection during the screening process is very impressive and very important now i want you to write down all thereasons against uh... receiving the benefits that wejust list i can't really think alike

i guess you dress so my concerts okay so i mean as you endorsed on thisagreement and we can actually fax it over i'll give you a call undertook on ourprocessing officer if you allow me i can enter that information to the entry onour website betty currie right there you know michael you're making awell-thought-out business decision in fact i recommend you get on it becauseof the strap and a friend in varner he

mentioned earlier stevie snacksreassurance and what you know that i'll be checkingin with you on a weekly basis to see a things are going and top british airwaysbegins support you during the basin the offenders played in checking on you on soundequipment if that would be helpful as you develop in music space city filled the stress casting todisappear election hao but yes

i do believe this is because this is thethird thank i really appreciate that as your emails that you know if he tooka benefit for malaysian you today we may already know this but there are four other job in jamslocations in town reached in the family owned and operated but i think they need to know about youin fact i'll give you contact sheets you cangive them a call thanks i really do appreciate

and you know of anyone else you might beinterested in all i'm sure idea right now i have to get back to my bidsand ordering i gather you anyone else i'll be sure togive you a call thanks michael now get permission i'd like to hear yourinfo online at the process underway let's get back to work thanks jennifer within forty gettingstarted well thank you and walk indicator sex so how did i do

remember the object is amazing criteriayou start earlier let's take a look now let's consider the objectives hadtaken them into action for my proposed solution by the final decision maker notice that i avoided using the termobjection and i address our concerns or questionsin a positive manner he's proven techniques for handlingthose and closing the sale now let's review the criteria formeasuring effectiveness i summarize the benefits and concise manner

idolize specific closing techniques toconfirm my customers commitment i attempted to close the sale afteraddressing your answer a major concern i'd see the highest level of commitmentfrom the sales call recovery this relationship selling cyclewith the plant the future action i thoroughly and specificallydemonstrated several ways to you know concerns including the price objection i attempted to close the sale at leastthree or four times i asked her for roles

and i've set the stage for anythinggracefully

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